Tapanhaz / Shoonya-Websocket

Shoonya unofficial async python websocket client based on picows
MIT License
7 stars 4 forks source link
async finvasia picows python shoonya websocket websocket-client


Shoonya websocket based on picows : https://github.com/tarasko/picows

It will automatically handle resubscription to all tokens after a temporary network failure/ disconnection.

For running in windows, it requires winloop.

pip install winloop

For Linux, uvloop is required.

pip install uvloop

It requires python >= 3.11 to be installed



import time
import asyncio
import logging
import platform
from shoonya_ticker import ShoonyaTicker

if platform.system() == "Windows":
    import winloop
    import uvloop


async def on_tick(msg):
    print(f"tick : {msg}")

async def on_order_update(msg):
    print(f"order : {msg}")

async def on_error(msg):
    print(f"error : {msg}")

async def on_open(msg):
    print(f"Socket opened :: {time.asctime()}")

async def on_close():
    print(f"Socket closed :: {time.asctime()}")

async def main(
            loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
            token_list: list
            )-> None:

                    subscribe_callback= on_tick,
                    order_update_callback= on_order_update,
                    error_callback= on_error,
                    open_callback= on_open,
                    close_callback= on_close
    await ticker.IS_CONNECTED.wait()
    #loop.call_soon(ticker.subscribe, token_list)
    await ticker.subscribe(token_list)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    username = "Your username here."
    token = "Your session token here."
    ws_endpoint = "wss://api.shoonya.com/NorenWSTP/"

    ticker = ShoonyaTicker(ws_endpoint, username, token)

    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    tokens_list = ["BSE|1", "BSE|12", "NSE|26000", "NSE|26009", "MCX|430106", "MCX|430107"]

    loop.create_task(main(ticker, loop, tokens_list))

Special Thanks to Shabbir Hassan for suggesting me to try picows and tarasc for this excellent library and for his valuable guidance