TarVK / pixi-shadows

Adds dynamic shadows to PixiJS
MIT License
52 stars 13 forks source link


Pixi-shadows allows you to add shadows and lights to your pixi stage. The lights themselves are very simple, and this plugin purely focuses on the shadows. If you are interested in high quality lighting, you can easily combine this plugin with the pixi-lights plugin. Check out the main demo here.

Teaser image


This plugin was made by a very inexperienced developer in the field. I made it for usage in a personal project, and had to learn how to work with glsl to achieve this. I don't even have any real experience with opengl/webgl, so things are most likely not optimised. Any feedback is appreciated!


When using this plugin, you have to make sure the following dependencies are present:

Next your can either perform an npm install, or manually import the source file.


npm install pixi-shadows

or, clone and build this repository, then copy the pixi-shadows commonjs script or umd scriptmanually for usage without npm.

Vanilla JS, UMD build

All pixiJS v6 plugins has special umd build suited for vanilla. Navigate pixi-shadows npm package, take dist/pixi-shadows.umd.js file. Also, you can access CDN link, something like https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/pixi-shadows@latest/dist/pixi-shadows.umd.js.

<script src="https://github.com/TarVK/pixi-shadows/raw/master/lib/pixi.js"></script>
<script src="https://github.com/TarVK/pixi-shadows/raw/master/lib/pixi-shadows.umd.js"></script>

All classes can then be accessed through PIXI.shadows package.


To quickly get going, check out this example:

import { AppLoaderPlugin, Shadow } from 'pixi-shadows';
import { Application, Container, InteractionEvent, SCALE_MODES, Sprite, Texture } from 'pixi.js';

// Initialise the shadows plugin
/* The actual demo code: */

// Create your application
const width = 800;
const height = 500;
const app = new Application({ width, height, autoStart: true });

// AppLoaderPlugin.init.apply(app);

// Create a world container
const world = app.shadows.container;

// A function to combine different assets of your world object, but give them a common transform by using pixi-layers
// It is of course recommended to create a custom class for this, but this demo just shows the minimal steps required
function createShadowSprite(texture: Texture, shadowTexture: Texture) {
    const container = new Container(); // This represents your final 'sprite'

    // Things that create shadows
    if (shadowTexture) {
        const shadowCastingSprite = new Sprite(shadowTexture);

        shadowCastingSprite.parentGroup = app.shadows.casterGroup;

    // The things themselves (their texture)
    const sprite = new Sprite(texture);


    return container;

// Can set ambientLight for the shadow filter, making the shadow less dark:
// shadows.filter.ambientLight = 0.4;

// Create a light that casts shadows
const shadow = new Shadow(700, 1);

shadow.position.set(450, 150);

// Create a background (that doesn't cast shadows)
const bgTexture = Texture.from('../../assets/background.jpg');
const background = new Sprite(bgTexture);


// Create some shadow casting demons
const demonTexture = Texture.from('../../assets/flameDemon.png');

demonTexture.baseTexture.scaleMode = SCALE_MODES.NEAREST; // For pixelated scaling

const demon1 = createShadowSprite(demonTexture, demonTexture);

demon1.position.set(100, 100);

const demon2 = createShadowSprite(demonTexture, demonTexture);

demon2.position.set(500, 100);

const demon3 = createShadowSprite(demonTexture, demonTexture);

demon3.position.set(300, 200);

// Make the light track your mouse
world.interactive = true;
world.on('mousemove', (event: InteractionEvent) => {

// Create a light point on click
world.on('pointerdown', (event: InteractionEvent) => {
    const shadow2 = new Shadow(700, 0.7);


Main steps:

Shadow class

var shadow = new Shadow(radius);



Filter class

var filter = app.shadows.filter;


Usage with pixi-lights

This plugin can easily be used together with pixi-lights. Even more so, some structural choices were specifically made to support pixi-lights as this was the end goal. Here you can find a demo with its corresponding source code.

Advanced demo

In order to see all things that can be done with pixi-shadows, please have a look at the following demo with its corresponding source code. This demo can also be used to test performance (which is rather poor), and test how high numbers have to be crancked to achieve a desired effeect.

Understanding how pixi-shadows work

As mentioned before, pixi-shadows can most likely be improved in terms of performance. For that reason I think it is important to explain how it currently works, such that more experienced people might be able to give feedback. It might also be handy for people that need to customise the plugin if it doesn't fit their needs exactly.

A demo with its corresponding source code is provided to show various components of the process. I attempted to comment pixi-shadows' source code a little bit as well, so hopefully this in combination with the explanation below should be enough to understand how it operates. Additionally you can check this detailed article I found (but didn't use directly) that seems to have a very similar approach.

Step by step description of what happens for each rendered frame:

  1. Calculate transforms in the scene: As per usual, world transforms for all objects are calculated. But the Container mixin does one more thing during this step; it registers all special sprites and adds them to the shadow filter.
  2. Update the shadow filter which will perform several steps of its own:
    1. Render all shadow casters to a single texture.
    2. Render all shadow overlays to a signle texture.
    3. Render all shadows to their own texture:
      1. A shadow will first create a shadow map, as can be seen in the demo. This is a texture that stores the data of how far away a ray can be sent before it hits an object. To create this texture, it uses the shadow caster texture to look up pixel opacities. This texture can have several rows and columns, where every column indicates a certain angle, and every row indicates a single light point. The light points are spread around the center of the origin at a distance of the provided scatter range.
      2. Using this shadow map, a shadow can create a mask texture. For every pixel in the texture it will go through all light points. For all light points it will look up its angle towards said point, and check the distance to an object by checking the shadow map. If this distane is smaller than its own distance to the light point, it means the pixel is in the dark and should be black. In addition, every pixel will check the overlay texture. If it is opaque in said texture, it should be opaque in the mask, even if it is in a shadow.
    4. Render all shadow masks to a single mask texture by adding up all colors.
  3. Use the mask texture in the shadow filter to perform a mask on the container that the filter is added to.

Using the development environment


npm install

Running examples locally (through which you can test the shadows)

npm run dev

This will start a development server that will live update as you save changes to the source code. you can choose which example to work on in the main page.

Building code

Build pixi-shadows itself

npm run build