TarekHattab / SDM

An open-source framework to project potential future distributions of marine species at local scale
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This R script comes with the following research article:

Frida Ben Rais Lasram, Tarek Hattab, Quentin Nogues, Grégory Beaugrand, Jean Claude Dauvin, Ghassen Halouani, François Le Loc’h, Nathalie Niquil, Boris Leroy, (2020). An open-source framework to model present and future marine species distributions at local scale. Ecological Informatics, 101130.

It includes (i) a procedure for homogenizing occurrence data to reduce the influence of sampling bias, (ii) a procedure for generating pseudo-absences, (iii) a hierarchical-filter approach (i.e. global Bioclimatic Envelope Models combined with local Habitat Models), (iv) full incorporation of the third dimension by considering climatic variables at multiple depths and (v) building of maps that predict current and future ranges of marine species.

Running the script inside a docker container

If you want to launch RStudio inside of a Docker container, first of all you have to install Docker.

Then you will have to run an image of RStudio Server containing all the R packages and their system dependencies.

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD="secret" tarek1984/r-enm:0.0.1

The command will print the ID of the new container and exit. Now you can open your browser at http://localhost:8787, enter “rstudio” as unsername, and “secret” as password. If you are running a Mac or Windows machine open a browser and enter http:// followed by your ip address, followed by :8787.

Load required libraries

library(SDMTools) # devtools::install_github(c("cran/SDMTools"),  dependencies=FALSE)
library(biomod2) # If you are not using a Docker container please install the Github version of the package devtools::install_github("biomodhub/biomod2",  dependencies=TRUE)
library(biogeonetworks) # If you are not using a Docker container please install the Github version of the package devtools::install_github("Farewe/biogeonetworks", dependencies=TRUE)

Set working directory


Global parameters

Four parameters need to be set by users: (i) the species scientific name (ii) the species’ vertical habitat (iii) the list of algorithms to be used and (iv) the choice of K in K-fold cross-validation.

Species<-'Mullus surmuletus' # The scientific name of the species
Vertical_habitat<-'Demersal' #  it can take one of the following applelations: 'Benthopelagic','Pelagic","Benthic','Demersal'
models <- c('GLM', 'GBM', 'GAM', 'CTA', 'ANN', 'FDA', 'RF') #  to be chosen among : 'GLM', 'GBM', 'GAM', 'CTA', 'ANN', 'FDA', 'RF', 'MARS'
k <- 3 # Numbers of k in the  k-fold validation

Import and preprocess environmental data

For model calibration, the script considers temperature and salinity climatologies from the global database WOD 2013 V2 (https://www.nodc.noaa.gov/OC5/woa13/). See step 2 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

Note that the script uses average temperature and salinity on the first 50m depth for the calibration of the pelagic species models, on the first 200m depth for the benthopelagic species and on the last 50m depth for benthic and demersal species.

#Download climatic data for each time period
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_1955_1964.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_1955_1964.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_1965_1974.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_1965_1974.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_1975_1984.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_1975_1984.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_1985_1994.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_1985_1994.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_1995_2004.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_1995_2004.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FTemperature_2005_2012.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_2005_2012.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_1955_1964.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_1955_1964.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_1965_1974.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_1965_1974.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_1975_1984.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_1975_1984.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_1985_1994.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_1985_1994.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_1995_2004.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_1995_2004.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FSalinity_2005_2012.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_2005_2012.RData", mode = "wb")
#Importing climatic data for each time period
Temperature1 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_1955_1964.RData")))
Temperature2 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_1965_1974.RData")))
Temperature3 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_1975_1984.RData")))
Temperature4 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_1985_1994.RData")))
Temperature5 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_1995_2004.RData")))
Temperature6 <- brick(get(load("Temperature_2005_2012.RData")))
spplot(Temperature1,names.attr=c("Bottom","0-50m","0-200m"),main="Temperature 1955-1964")
Salinity1 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_1955_1964.RData")))
Salinity2 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_1965_1974.RData")))
Salinity3 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_1975_1984.RData")))
Salinity4 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_1985_1994.RData")))
Salinity5 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_1995_2004.RData")))
Salinity6 <- brick(get(load("Salinity_2005_2012.RData")))
spplot(Salinity1,names.attr=c("Bottom","0-50m","0-200m"),main="Salinity 1955-1964")
# Download local scale climate maps (current)

download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FLocal%2FTemperature_2005_2012_local.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Temperature_2005_2012_local.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FWOD%2FLocal%2FSalinity_2005_2012_local.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Salinity_2005_2012_local.RData", mode = "wb")
# Import local scale climate maps (current)

TemperatureL <- brick(get(load("Temperature_2005_2012_local.RData")))
SalinityL <- brick(get(load("Salinity_2005_2012_local.RData")))

For projections, the script allows to use climate projections for 2041-2050 and 2091-2100 under the RCP 2.6 (strong mitigation) and 8.5 (high emission) scenarios of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). See step 2 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

# Download local scale climate maps (GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6)

download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FCMIP5%2FDelta_Temperature_GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Delta_Temperature_GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6.RData", mode = "wb")
download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FClimatic_data%2FCMIP5%2FDelta_Salinity_GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Delta_Salinity_GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6.RData", mode = "wb")
# Import local scale climate maps (GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6)

Temperature_GFDL_ESM2G_RCP2.6 <- TemperatureL + Delta ;rm(Delta)
Salinity_GFDL_ESM2G_RCP2.6 <- SalinityL + Delta ;rm(Delta)

Raw habitat data are available from EMODnet-bathymetry (http://www.emodnet-bathymetry.eu/) and EMODnet- seabedhabitats (http://www.emodnet-seabedhabitats.eu/) and has a 250m spatial resolution. See step 2 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

# Download habitat data

download.file("https://pcsbox.univ-littoral.fr/d/b75dc393597748659c0f/files/?p=%2FEnvironmental%20data%2FHabitat%20data%2FHabitat_data.RData&dl=1", destfile = "Habitat_data.RData", mode = "wb")
# Import habitat data 

habitat <- get(load("Habitat_data.RData")) 
spplot(habitat[,"Bathy"],names.attr="Depth (m)",main="Example of habitat data: Depth (m)")
spplot(habitat[,"Seafloor"],main="Example of habitat data (Seafloor)")

For habitat models ordination axes will be used instead of the parameters themselves in order to reduce the multicolinearity between habitat variables.

# Ordination of the habitat parmeters

ordi <- dudi.mix(habitat[, c(1,2,3,6)], scannf = FALSE, nf = 9) # Nine axes are kept
ordi <- ordi$li 
ordi <- data.frame(coordinates(habitat), ordi) # Spatializing ordination axes 
coordinates(ordi) <-~ x + y;ordi <- as(ordi, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
ordi <- raster::stack(ordi)
spplot(ordi[[1:4]],main="Ordination axes")

Environnemental background

The environnemental background is a grid encompassing all the combinations of temperature and salinity occurring at the global scale. It will be used in the environmental filtering of occurrences data and pseudo-absences generation. See step 3 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

# Realised climat (Historical)


# Extract all combinaison of climatic parameter for each layer of the vertical habitat for all time period chosen

for (time in c("1955_1964", "1965_1974", "1975_1984", "1985_1994", "1995_2004", "2005_2012")){
  load(paste("Temperature_", time, ".RData", sep = ""))
  load(paste("Salinity_", time, ".RData", sep = ""))
  Bottom.comb = rbind(Bottom.comb,data.frame(Temperature = Temperature@data[, 1],Salinity = Salinity@data[, 1]))
  Surface.comb = rbind(Surface.comb,data.frame(Temperature = Temperature@data[, 2],Salinity = Salinity@data[, 2]))
  Vertical.comb = rbind(Vertical.comb,data.frame(Temperature = Temperature@data[, 3],Salinity = Salinity@data[, 3]))

# Create a raster for each vertical habitat layer with temperature on the x axis and salinity on the y axis

Bottom.comb <- na.omit(Bottom.comb)
Bottom.r <- raster(nrows = 100,
                   ncols = 100,
                   xmn = min(Bottom.comb[, 1]),
                   xmx = max(Bottom.comb[, 1]),
                   ymn = min(Bottom.comb[, 2]),
                   ymx = max(Bottom.comb[, 2]))
Bottom.r <- rasterize(Bottom.comb, Bottom.r, fun="count")
Bottom.r = Bottom.r > 0
spplot(Bottom.r,main="Environnemental backgound (Bottom)",xlab="Temperature",ylab="Salinity")
Surface.comb <- na.omit(Surface.comb)
Surface.r <- raster(nrows = 100, 
                    ncols = 100, 
                    xmn = min(Surface.comb[, 1]), 
                    xmx = max(Surface.comb[, 1]), 
                    ymn = min(Surface.comb[, 2]), 
                    ymx = max(Surface.comb[, 2]))
Surface.r <- rasterize(Surface.comb, Surface.r, fun="count")
Surface.r = Surface.r > 0
spplot(Surface.r,main="Environnemental backgound (0-50m)",xlab="Temperature",ylab="Salinity")
Vertical.comb <- na.omit(Vertical.comb)
Vertical.r <- raster(nrows = 100, 
                     ncols = 100, 
                     xmn = min(Vertical.comb[, 1]), 
                     xmx = max(Vertical.comb[, 1]), 
                     ymn = min(Vertical.comb[ ,2]), 
                     ymx = max(Vertical.comb[, 2]))
Vertical.r <- rasterize(Vertical.comb, Vertical.r, fun = "count")
Vertical.r = Vertical.r > 0
spplot(Vertical.r,main="Environnemental backgound (0-200m)",xlab="Temperature",ylab="Salinity")

Download occurrences data

Species occurrences data can be obtained from 5 global biogeographic database (see step 2 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020)):

data <- data.frame(Species=Species,Vertical_habitat)

# Download occurrences from OBIS  

occOBIS <- robis::occurrence(scientificname = data[1, "Species"]) # Download, be carefull of the firewall
## Retrieved 5000 records of approximately 8317 (60%) Retrieved 8317 records of approximately 8317 (100%)
if (dim(occOBIS)[1] > 0) {
occOBIS <- cbind(occOBIS[, c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude", "species")],
                 rep("obis", nrow(occOBIS)),
                 occOBIS[, "eventDate"],
                 occOBIS[, c("phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus")])
names(occOBIS) <- c("longitude", "latitude", "name", "prov", "date", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus")
occOBIS$prov <- as.character(occOBIS$prov)
occOBIS$year <- as.numeric(substr(as.character(occOBIS$date), 1, 4))

# Download occurrences from GBIF and other databases

occOther <- occ(query=as.character(data[1, 1]),
                from=c("gbif", "bison", "inat", "ebird", "ecoengine", "vertnet"),
                has_coords = T,limit = 100000) # Download

occOther <- occ2df(occOther, "all")
occOther <- data.frame(longitude = as.numeric(occOther$data[, 2]),
                       latitude = as.numeric(occOther$data[, 3]),
                       occOther$data[, c(1, 4)],
                       occOther$data[, 5], 
                       as.numeric(substr(as.character(occOther$data[, 5]), 1, 4)))
names(occOther) <- c("longitude", "latitude", "name", "prov", "date", "year") # Keep the same name as the one of OCCOBIS but with less parameters

# Merge all occurrences data

if(nrow(occOBIS) == 0){OCC <- occOther}
if(nrow(occOther) == 0){OCC <- occOBIS}
if (nrow(occOBIS) > 0 & nrow(occOther) > 0) {
occOther[,c("phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus")] <- occOBIS[1, c("phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus")]
occOther <- occOther[, c("longitude", "latitude", "name", "prov", "date", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "year")]
OCC <- rbind(occOBIS[, -5],occOther[, -5])} # Merge
OCC <- OCC[which(OCC$name == as.character(data[1, 1])), ]

# Create spatial object

idx<-which(is.na(OCC$longitude) | is.na(OCC$latitude))
coordinates(OCC) <-~ longitude + latitude
OCC@data[, 1] <- as.character(OCC@data[, 1])

# Remove duplicated records 

OCC <- remove.duplicates(OCC)

# Remove records with zero in Lat and Long

zero.coord <- which(coordinates(OCC)[, 1] == 0 & coordinates(OCC)[, 2] == 0)
if(length(zero.coord) > 0){
   OCC <- OCC[ - zero.coord, ]

# Delete occurences located on the continent

land <- extract(Temperature1, OCC) # Extract the land of the global studied area 
OCC <- OCC[ - which(is.na(land)), ] # Delete the land occurences

# write shapefile 

writeOGR(obj = OCC, layer = as.character(data[1, 1]),
         dsn = "Shapefiles", driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
         overwrite_layer = T) # Write a shapefile of the occurences for each species 

# Remove NA from the occurences

OCC@data <- na.omit(OCC@data)

#Plot occurrences

plot(getMap(resolution = "coarse"),col="gray")

Match up

A spatiotemporal match-up between climatic climatologies and species occurrences is realised, taking into account the geographic coordinates of occurrences as well as their corresponding decade and the vertical layer that corresponds to the vertical habitat of the considered species (see step 3 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020)).

# Load occurences from shapefile

OCC = readOGR(paste("Shapefiles/", data[1, 1], ".shp", sep = ""), verbose = F) 

# Aggregating each occurences depending on the climatic time periods choosen

OCC@data$decade <- NA
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 1955 & OCC@data$year <= 1964, 1, OCC@data$decade)
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 1965 & OCC@data$year <= 1974, 2, OCC@data$decade)
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 1975 & OCC@data$year <= 1984, 3, OCC@data$decade)
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 1985 & OCC@data$year <= 1994, 4, OCC@data$decade)
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 1995 & OCC@data$year <= 2004, 5, OCC@data$decade)
OCC@data$decade <- ifelse(OCC@data$year >= 2004 & OCC@data$year <= 2012, 6, OCC@data$decade)
if(length(which(is.na(OCC@data$decade))) > 0){OCC = OCC[-which(is.na(OCC@data$decade)), ]}
OCC@data$Temperature <- NA
OCC@data$Salinity <- NA

# Set the Vlayer object depending on the vertical habitat of the focal species 

Vlayer <- NULL
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Benthic"){Vlayer <- 1}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Demersal"){Vlayer <- 1}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Pelagic"){Vlayer <- 2}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Benthopelagic"){Vlayer <- 3}

# Find Temperature and salinity for each occurences depending on it's decade and vertical positionning

for (j in unique(OCC@data$decade)){
  idx = which(OCC@data$decad == j)
      OCC@data[idx, "Temperature"] <- do.call(what = "extract",
                                              args = list(y = OCC[which(OCC@data$decad == j), ],
                                              x    = eval(parse(text = paste("Temperature", j, "[[", Vlayer, "]]", sep = "")))))
      OCC@data[idx, "Salinity"] <- do.call(what = "extract", 
                                           args = list(y = OCC[which(OCC@data$decad == j), ],
                                           x    = eval(parse(text = paste("Salinity", j, "[[", Vlayer, "]]", sep = "")))))

# Update the shapefile of the occurences for each species   
writeOGR(obj = OCC, layer = as.character(data[1, 1]),
           dsn = "Shapefiles", driver = "ESRI Shapefile",
           overwrite_layer = T) 

Bioclimatic Envelope Modelling

The bioclimatic envelope modelling procedure is descibed in step 4 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

# Create empty object to save validation results

Validation <- NULL

#Select the species's environmental background acoording to its vertical habitat 

Vlayer  <- NULL
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Benthic"){Vlayer <- 1       ;background <- Bottom.r}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Demersal"){Vlayer <- 1      ;background <- Bottom.r}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Pelagic"){Vlayer <- 2       ;background <- Surface.r}
if (data[1, "Vertical_habitat"] == "Benthopelagic"){Vlayer <- 3 ;background <- Vertical.r}

# Load the occurrences with matchups from shapefile

OCC = readOGR(paste("Shapefiles/", Species, ".shp", sep = ""), verbose = F)
names(OCC)[which(names(OCC) %in% c("Temprtr" , "Salinty"))] <- c("Temperature","Salinity")

# Create a map of all the combinaison of temperature and salinity encounter by the speces and put all the values in a table

XY <- OCC@data[, c("Temperature", "Salinity")]
coordinates(XY) <-~ Temperature + Salinity
XY.r <- rasterize(XY, background, fun = "count");XY.r <- XY.r > 0
Nb.presence <- length(which(values(XY.r) > 0))
Presence <- coordinates(XY.r)[which(values(XY.r) > 0), ]
colnames(Presence) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")

# Pseudo-absence simulation

XY.quantile <- OCC@data[,c("Temperature","Salinity")]
XY.quantile <- XY.quantile[which(XY.quantile[, 1] > quantile(XY.quantile[, 1], 0.001) &
                                 XY.quantile[, 1] < quantile(XY.quantile[, 1], 0.999) & 
                                 XY.quantile[, 2] > quantile(XY.quantile[, 2], 0.001) & 
                                 XY.quantile[, 2] < quantile(XY.quantile[, 2], 0.999)), ]
coordinates(XY.quantile) <-~ Temperature + Salinity
hull <- rasterize(gConvexHull(XY.quantile), background)
values(hull) <- ifelse(is.na(values(hull)), 1, NA)
hull <- background * hull
XY.hull <- coordinates(hull)[which(is.na(values(hull)) == FALSE), ]

if(Nb.presence < 1000){Nb.absence <- 1000} else{Nb.absence  <- Nb.presence} # Number of pseudo-absence

sampledCells <- sample(1 : nrow(XY.hull), Nb.absence)
pseudoAbs <- XY.hull[sampledCells, ]
colnames(pseudoAbs) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")

plot(background, col = 0.5, main = "Presences (red) and Pseudo-absences (green)", xlab = "Temperature", ylab = "Salinity")
plot(hull, add = T, col = 1, colNA = "transparent")
points(Presence, pch = 15, cex = 0.3, col = 2)
points(pseudoAbs, pch = 15, cex = 0.3, col = 3)
# k-fold cross validation using Boyce index, TSS and ROC

GlobalEnv <- stack(Temperature6[[Vlayer]], Salinity6[[Vlayer]])
names(GlobalEnv) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")
GlobalEnv <- stack(aggregate(GlobalEnv,fact = 3))

PA <- as.data.frame(rbind(cbind(Presence, resp = rep(1, Nb.presence)), cbind(pseudoAbs, resp = rep(0, Nb.absence))))
PA$x <- 1:nrow(PA)
PA$y <- 1:nrow(PA)

# Formating data for biomod

CalibData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var    = PA$resp, 
                                    expl.var  = PA[, c("Temperature", "Salinity")],
                                    resp.xy   = PA[, c("x","y")],
                                    resp.name = as.character(Species))

# Creating the SplitTable, to split the data set in k part

DataSplitTable <- BIOMOD_cv(CalibData, k = k, rep = 1, balance = "presences")

# Models calibration

Biomod_cal = BIOMOD_Modeling(data             = CalibData,
                             models           = models, 
                             models.eval.meth = c("TSS", "ROC"),
                             DataSplitTable   = DataSplitTable,
                             do.full.models   = FALSE,
                             SaveObj          = FALSE) 

eval <- get_evaluations(Biomod_cal, as.data.frame = T)
eval <- cbind(eval[, -4], Species = rep(Species, nrow(eval))) # Exctract the eval values (TSS and ROC)

# Update the validation file

Validation <- rbind(Validation, eval)

# Projection of the models on the current global climatic data

gc() # Warning : This step requires a lot of  memory, gc() to "clean" memory usage

Biomod_current_global <- BIOMOD_Projection(modeling.output = Biomod_cal,
                                           new.env         = GlobalEnv, 
                                           selected.models = Biomod_cal@models.computed[1:(k * length(models))], 
                                           proj.name       = paste(Species, "_Current_Global", sep = ""),
                                           silent          = TRUE); gc()

Biomod_current_global <- Biomod_current_global@proj@val

# Response curves

new.env <- coordinates(background)[which(values(background) > 0),]
colnames(new.env) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")


CurveFull <- BIOMOD_Projection(Biomod_cal, 
                               new.env = new.env, 
                               selected.models = Biomod_cal@models.computed[grep(Biomod_cal@models.computed,pattern = "4")], 
                               proj.name = "Full_Current_Global",

CurveFull <- as.data.frame(cbind(new.env,CurveFull@proj@val[, , 1, 1]/1000))
coordinates(CurveFull) <-~ Temperature+Salinity
CurveFull <- as(CurveFull,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame") # Use to plot the Full responce curve

# Calculate CBI (Boyce index) for each repetition

for (j in models){
    for (kfold in 1 : k){
        idModel <- grep(names(Biomod_current_global), pattern = paste("RUN", kfold,"_", j, sep=""))
        val.data <- PA[DataSplitTable[, kfold] == FALSE, c("Temperature", "Salinity", "resp")]
        val.data <- val.data[val.data$resp == 1, -3]
        val.data <- BIOMOD_Projection(modeling.output = Biomod_cal, # Biomod projection on the climatic map
                                      new.env         = val.data, 
                                      selected.models = Biomod_cal@models.computed[idModel], 
                                      proj.name       = paste(Biomod_cal@models.computed[idModel], "_Current_Global", sep = ""),
                                      silent          = TRUE) ;gc()
        CBI <- ecospat.boyce (fit      = na.omit(values(Biomod_current_global[[idModel]])/1000), 
                              obs      = val.data@proj@val[, 1, 1, 1]/1000, 
                              nclass   = 0, 
                              window.w ="default", 
                              res      = 100, 
                              PEplot   = FALSE)
        Validation <- rbind( Validation, 
                             data.frame(Model.name   = paste("RUN", kfold, "_", j, sep = ""),  
                                        Eval.metric  = "CBI",  
                                        Testing.data = CBI$Spearman.cor, 
                                        Cutoff       = NA, 
                                        Sensitivity  = NA,
                                        Specificity  = NA,  
                                        Species      = Species))


# Current Predictions (local scale)

CurrentEnv <- stack(TemperatureL[[Vlayer]],SalinityL[[Vlayer]])
names(CurrentEnv) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")

Biomod_current <- BIOMOD_Projection(Biomod_cal, 
                                    new.env         = CurrentEnv, 
                                    proj.name       = paste(Species, "_Current_local", sep = ""),
                                    selected.models = Biomod_cal@models.computed[grep(Biomod_cal@models.computed, pattern = "4")],
                                    silent          = TRUE) 


current_distribution <- as(Biomod_current@proj@val, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")

# Projection of GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6

FutureEnv <- stack(Temperature_GFDL_ESM2G_RCP2.6[[Vlayer]], Salinity_GFDL_ESM2G_RCP2.6[[Vlayer]])
names(FutureEnv) <- c("Temperature", "Salinity")

Biomod_future <- BIOMOD_Projection(Biomod_cal, 
                                   new.env         = FutureEnv, 
                                   proj.name       = paste(Species,"_GFDL-ESM2G_RCP2.6", sep = ""), 
                                   selected.models = Biomod_cal@models.computed[grep(Biomod_cal@models.computed, pattern = "4")],
                                   silent          = TRUE) ;gc()

future_distribution <- as(Biomod_future@proj@val, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")

Bioclimatic Envelope Model averaging

Ensemble suitability maps are obtained by calculating the average suitability among all predictions weighted by the CBI to account for model-based uncertainty (see step 4 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020)).These maps can then be transformed into binary maps using the probability threshold optimizing the TSS. In addition, uncertainty maps are computed by calculating the standard deviation among predictions.

for (i in 1:4){Validation[grep(Validation$Model.name,pattern = as.character(i)), "Rep"] <- i}
for (i in models){Validation[grep(Validation$Model.name,pattern = as.character(i)), "Algorithm"] <- i} 
Validation <- Validation[which(Validation$Rep != 4), c(2:9)]
Validation <- Validation[, c("Eval.metric", "Testing.data", "Cutoff", "Rep", "Species", "Algorithm")]
Validation$Eval.metric <- as.factor(Validation$Eval.metric)
Validation$Species <- as.factor(Validation$Species)
Validation$Algorithm <- as.factor(Validation$Algorithm)
bem.tmp <- Validation[which(Validation$Species == Species), ] 
tmp.cbi <-  bem.tmp[which(bem.tmp$Eval.metric == "CBI"), ]
Mean.tmpcbi <- aggregate(tmp.cbi[, 2], list(tmp.cbi$Algorithm), mean)

# Asking for the mean of the CBI of all the 3 cross validation to be higher than 0.5

sel.models <- names(which(table(Mean.tmpcbi[which(Mean.tmpcbi$x > 0.5), "Group.1"]) == 1)) 
sel.cbi <-  tmp.cbi[which(tmp.cbi$Algorithm %in% sel.models), c("Algorithm", "Testing.data")]

boxplot(Testing.data~Algorithm, # Show the selected algorithm(s)
        data = sel.cbi,
        ylab = "CBI",
        xlab = "Algorithms")
cbi <- aggregate(sel.cbi$Testing.data, by = list(sel.cbi$Algorithm), FUN = mean)    
cbi <- cbi$x; names(cbi) <- sel.models

# Cutoff setting from TSS 

sel.cutoff <- na.omit(Validation[which(Validation$Species == Species & 
                                         Validation$Algorithm %in% sel.models &  
                                         Validation$Eval.metric %in% c("TSS", "CBI")), ])
tss <- aggregate(sel.cutoff$Testing.data, by = list(sel.cutoff$Algorithm), FUN = mean)
tss <- tss$x; names(tss) <- sel.models
cutoff <- aggregate(sel.cutoff$Cutoff, by = list(sel.cutoff$Algorithm), FUN = mean)
cutoff <- cutoff$x; names(cutoff) <- sel.models
cutoff <- weighted.mean(cutoff, w = tss)/1000 # Cutoff for thr binary map from the TSS

# Find the selected model(s)    
sel.models.grep = NULL
for (z in 1 : NROW(sel.models)){
  grep1 <- grep(sel.models[z], names(current_distribution@data), value = TRUE)
  sel.models.grep <- rbind(sel.models.grep, data.frame(grep1))

current_distribution@data <- as.data.frame(current_distribution@data[, as.character(unlist(sel.models.grep))])
future_distribution@data <- as.data.frame(future_distribution@data[, as.character(unlist(sel.models.grep))])
response <- CurveFull
response@data <- as.data.frame(CurveFull@data[, sel.models])

# Maps of mean and standard.deviation of probability and binary result (current)
averaging.current <- current_distribution[, 1]
averaging.current@data[, 1] <- apply(current_distribution@data, 1, FUN = function(x) weighted.mean(x, w = tss))/1000 
averaging.current@data[, 2] <- apply(current_distribution@data, 1, FUN = sd)/1000 # standard deviation map
if(all(is.na(averaging.current@data[, 2]))){averaging.current@data[, 2] <- 0}
averaging.current@data[, 3] <- ifelse(averaging.current@data[, 1] > cutoff, 1, 0) # binary map
names(averaging.current) <- c("Mean", "Standard.deviation", "Binary")
spplot(averaging.current, main = "Current bioclimatic envelopes")
# Maps of mean and standard.deviation of probability and binary result (RCP 2.6) 
averaging.future <- future_distribution[, 1]
averaging.future@data[, 1] <- apply(future_distribution@data, 1, FUN = function(x) weighted.mean(x, w = tss))/1000 
averaging.future@data[, 2] <- apply(future_distribution@data, 1, FUN = sd)/1000 # Standard deviation map
averaging.future@data[, 3] <- ifelse(averaging.future@data[, 1] > cutoff, 1, 0) # Binary map
names(averaging.future) <- c("Mean", "Standard.deviation", "Binary")
spplot(averaging.future,main = "Future bioclimatic envelopes (RCP 2.6)")
# Maps of mean and standard.deviation of probability and binary result (current)
averaging.response <- response[, 1]
averaging.response@data[, 1] <- apply(response@data,1, FUN = function(x) weighted.mean(x, w = tss)) 
averaging.response@data[, 2] <- apply(response@data,1, FUN = sd) # standard deviation map
if(all(is.na(averaging.response@data[, 2]))){averaging.response@data[, 2] <- 0}
averaging.response@data[, 3] <- ifelse(averaging.response@data[, 1] > cutoff, 1, 0) # binary map
names(averaging.response) <- c("Mean", "Standard.deviation", "Binary")
spplot(averaging.response,main = "Response curves", xlab = "Temperature", ylab = "Salinity")
# Save the output 
save(averaging.response,file = paste("Outputs/Response_", Species,".RData", sep = "")) 
save(averaging.current,file = paste("Outputs/Bioclimatic_Envelope_Current_", Species, ".RData", sep = "")) 
save(averaging.future, file = paste("Outputs/Bioclimatic_Envelope_Future_", Species, ".RData", sep = "")) 

Habitat modelling

The habitat models, used only for benthic and demersal species (see step 5 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020))

if(Vertical_habitat %in% c("Benthic","Demersal")){
  # Create empty file to save validation results

  Validation_habitat <- NULL
  r <- ordi[[1]] 
  OCC = readOGR(paste("Shapefiles/", Species, ".shp", sep = ""), verbose = F)
  OCC <- rasterize(OCC, r, fun = "count", field = rep(1, nrow(OCC)), background = 0) ;OCC <- mask(OCC, r)
  Presence <- coordinates(OCC)[which(values(OCC) > 0), ] ;OCC$resp.var <- rep(1, nrow(OCC))
  if (nrow(Presence) < 1000) {Nb.absence <- 1000} else{Nb.absence <- nrow(Presence)}

  # Formating  data for biomod

  CalibData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var       = rep(1, nrow(Presence)),
                                    expl.var       = ordi, 
                                    resp.xy        = Presence,
                                    PA.nb.rep      = 1,
                                    PA.nb.absences = Nb.absence,
                                    PA.strategy    = 'sre',
                                    resp.name      = as.character(Species)) 

  CalibData@data.species <- ifelse(is.na(CalibData@data.species), 0, 1)

  # SplitTable for the k cross validation

  DataSplitTable <- BIOMOD_cv(CalibData, k = k, rep = 1, balance = "presences") 

  # Modelling

  Biomod_cal = BIOMOD_Modeling(data             = CalibData, 
                               models           = models, 
                               models.eval.meth = c("TSS", "ROC"),
                               DataSplitTable   = DataSplitTable,
                               do.full.models   = FALSE,
                               SaveObj          = FALSE) 

  eval <- get_evaluations(Biomod_cal, as.data.frame = T)
  eval <- cbind(eval[, -4], Species = rep(Species, nrow(eval)))
  Validation_habitat <- rbind(Validation_habitat, eval)

  # Projection of the models using habitat ordination axes map

  Biomod_current_habitat <- BIOMOD_Projection(Biomod_cal, 
                                              new.env   = ordi, 
                                              proj.name = paste0(Species, "_Current_habitat"),
                                              silent    = TRUE)
  Biomod_current_habitat <- Biomod_current_habitat@proj@val
  selected.models <- which(substr(x     = names(Biomod_current_habitat),
                                  start = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 6,
                                  stop  = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 9) != "RUN4")

  # Calculate CBI (Boyce index) for each repetition

  for(i in selected.models){
      mod <- substr(x     = names(Biomod_current_habitat)[i], 
                    start = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 11, 
                    stop  = 1000000L)
      rep <- substr(x     = names(Biomod_current_habitat)[i],
                    start = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 6,
                    stop  = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 9)

      CBI <- ecospat.boyce(fit      = na.omit(values(Biomod_current_habitat[[i]])/1000), 
                           obs      = models.prediction[, mod, rep,]/1000, 
                           nclass   = 0, 
                           window.w = "default", 
                           res      = 100, 
                           PEplot   = FALSE)
      Validation_habitat <- rbind(Validation_habitat, 
                            data.frame(Model.name   = paste(mod, "_", rep, "_PA1", sep = ""),  
                                       Eval.metric  = "CBI",  
                                       Testing.data = CBI$Spearman.cor, 
                                       Cutoff       = NA, 
                                       Sensitivity  = NA,
                                       Specificity  = NA,  
                                       Species      = Species))

  # Current Predictions 

  fullModel <- which(substr(x     = names(Biomod_current_habitat), 
                            start = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 6,
                            stop  = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 9) == "RUN4")
  Biomod_current_local <- as(Biomod_current_habitat[[fullModel]], "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")

  save(Validation_habitat, file = "Outputs/Validation_habitat.RData")

Habitat model averaging

Ensemble suitability maps are obtained by calculating the average suitability among all predictions.

if(Vertical_habitat %in% c("Benthic","Demersal")) {

  for (i in 1 : 4) {
      Validation_habitat[grep(Validation_habitat$Model.name,pattern = as.character(i)), "Rep"] <- i
  for (i in models) {
     Validation_habitat[grep(Validation_habitat$Model.name,pattern = as.character(i)), "Algorithm"] <- i
  tmp.cbi  <-  na.omit(Validation_habitat[which(Validation_habitat$Species == Species &
                                                  Validation_habitat$Eval.metric == "CBI"), 
                                            c("Testing.data", "Algorithm")])# select only CBI results
  tmp.tss  <-  na.omit(Validation_habitat[which(Validation_habitat$Species == Species &
                                                Validation_habitat$Eval.metric == "TSS"), 
                                            c("Testing.data", "Algorithm")])
  Mean.tmptss <- aggregate(tmp.tss$Testing.data, list(tmp.tss$Algorithm), mean)

  # Asking for the mean of the TSS of all the 3 cross validation to be higher than 0.7

  sel.models <- names(which(table(Mean.tmptss[which(Mean.tmptss$x>0.7), "Group.1"]) == 1)) 
  check<-length(sel.models) > 0
  if (check){sel.cbi <-  tmp.cbi[which(tmp.cbi$Algorithm %in% sel.models), c("Algorithm", "Testing.data")]
       cbi <- aggregate(sel.cbi$Testing.data, by = list(sel.cbi$Algorithm), FUN = mean) 
       cbi <- cbi$x; names(cbi) <- sel.models
       sel.tss <-  tmp.tss[which(tmp.tss$Algorithm %in% sel.models), c("Algorithm", "Testing.data")]
       tss <- aggregate(sel.tss$Testing.data,by = list(sel.tss$Algorithm), FUN = mean)
       tss <- tss$x; names(tss) <- sel.models           
       sel.cutoff <- na.omit(Validation_habitat[which(Validation_habitat$Species == Species & 
                                              Validation_habitat$Algorithm %in% sel.models &  
                                              Validation_habitat$Eval.metric %in% c("TSS", "CBI")), ])
       cutoff <- aggregate(sel.cutoff$Cutoff,by = list(sel.cutoff$Algorithm), FUN = mean)
       cutoff <- cutoff$x; names(cutoff) <- sel.models
       cutoff <- weighted.mean(cutoff, w = tss)/1000 # Cutoff for the binary map from the TSS
       map <-  Biomod_current_local
       names(map) <- substr(x = names(Biomod_current_local), start = nchar(as.character(Species)) + 11, stop = 1000000L)
       map <- map[, sel.models]; averaging.map <- map[, 1]

       # Map of mean probability

       averaging.map@data[, 1] <- apply(map@data, 1, FUN = function(x)weighted.mean(x, w = tss))/1000 

       # Standard deviation map

       averaging.map@data[, 2] <- apply(map@data, 1, FUN = sd)/1000
       averaging.map@data[, 3] <- ifelse(averaging.map@data[, 1] > cutoff, 1, 0) # Binary map
       sel.cbi[,1] <- factor(sel.cbi[, 1])
       names(averaging.map) <- c("Mean", "Standard.deviation", "Binary")
       spplot(averaging.map,main = "habitat suitability")
       # Boxplot to show the selected habitat algorithms

       boxplot(Testing.data ~ Algorithm,data = sel.tss,ylab = "", xlab = " Selected algorithms") 
       if(length(sel.models) == 1){axis(1, labels = sel.models, at = 1)}
       save(averaging.map, file = paste("Outputs/Habitat_", Species, ".RData", sep = ""))
      if (check == FALSE){print("No habitat model was selected because they do not meet the defined validation criteria")}

Hierarchical filtering

For benthic and demersal species, bioclimatic envelope and habitat maps are combined. See step 6 in model framework section in Ben Rais Lasram et al (2020).

if(Vertical_habitat %in% c("Benthic","Demersal") & exists("averaging.map")) {

  # Current

  averaging.current <- averaging.current[, c(1,3)]
  averaging.current <- crop(averaging.current, extent(ordi), snap = "near")
  averaging.current <- resample(stack(averaging.current), mask, method = "ngb")
  averaging.current.prob <-  averaging.current[[1]] * mask # Averaging with probability ranging from 0 to 1
  averaging.current.bin  <-  averaging.current[[2]] * mask # Binary averaging
  spplot(averaging.current.prob, main = "Distribution (baseline)")

  # RCP         

  averaging.future <- averaging.future[, c(1,3)]
  averaging.future <- crop(averaging.future, extent(ordi), snap = "near")
  averaging.future <- resample(stack(averaging.future), mask, method = "ngb")
  averaging.future1.prob <-  averaging.future[[1]] * mask # Averaging with probability ranging from 0 to 1
  averaging.future1.bin  <-  averaging.future[[2]] * mask # Binary averaging
  save(averaging.current.bin, file = paste("Outputs/Current_Distribution_", Species, ".RData", sep = ""))
  save(averaging.future1.bin, file = paste("Outputs/Future_Distribution_", Species, ".RData", sep = ""))
  spplot(averaging.future1.prob, main = "Distribution (projection GFDL-ESM2G RCP2.6)")