TareqMonwer / Django-School-Management

Transform your school with our intuitive Django School Management System. Seamlessly manage payments, simplify e-admissions, and track results effortlessly, all through a user-friendly interface. Developed using Python Django, our comprehensive system enhances your school's efficiency. Experience the future of education management today.
488 stars 204 forks source link
django-myschools django-school-management django-school-management-system fullstack-school-management myschools-django python-django-school-management-system python-school-management school-management-system school-management-system-django school-management-system-in-python-django school-management-system-project-in-python-django


A fullstack school management project in django, bootstrap-4 and javascript.


  1. go to the project folder
  2. run pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. create .env under envs folder and give credentials following .env.example template
  4. See additional resources section to setup/get more info.
  5. run python manage.py migrate
  6. then python manage.py runserver for testing, create a superuser too.

Celery-redis setup:

  1. Celery is installed, install redis as well.
  2. for linux users:
    • run redis server with redis-server command.
  3. for windows users:

And finally, while django server is running, run this command on another terminal
celery -A config worker -l INFO

Additional Resources:


Use provided fixtures for each applications.
Provided Fixtures:

Fixture Load Order:

Working Components:

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