Closed SilverLionfang closed 10 months ago
measure distance from point A to B, you have some tool for measurements but can only measure people Equiment needed: measuring tool
(bit hard to explain this one) you wear this kind of hat on your head with a wheight dangling from it, knock over bottles (or other objects) on the ground using the wheight, they are not allowed to touch the wheight with their hands
Mini games:
Helium stick:
Birthday lineup:
Perfect square:
Keep it up:
Electric fence:
Reverse Charades:
Team vs team challenges
Clothes chain:
Scavenger run:
Four legged spider:
Falling cards:
Blind guardian:
There's a premade grid where there's only one safe path to go from one end to the other. Team members take turns to attempt the crossing, as soon as an attempt is being made there may be no communication between the team and the runner. If the runner trips a mine, they return to the start and team needs to discuss how to continue and gradually figure out the safe path over several attempts. Everyone gets 1 turn, resets when everyone's made an attempt?
We give a group our pictures and a bunch of statements/facts. The team has to attach the statements to our pictures and succeed if they have at least x correct links.
1.Shoe tower
How to set up / explanation. --> Players take of their shoes and try to stack them as high as possible without falling over.
List of allowed n forbidden techniques. --> Everything is allowed as long as they don't exceed the given time. --> the base has to start with max 1 shoe.
Map on where we can play all these mini games next to the board. --> this can be played anywhere if it won't be a danger to other set ups.
What all the conditions are for gaining and losing time + how many? --> Gaining points: --> they make the biggest tower that doesn't fall over after 10sec. --> They make a tower that exceeds our min, and the tower doesn't fall for 10 sec.
--> losing: --> The tower fell over before the 10sec were called. --> They did not make the tallest tower, or they didn't exceed our min height.
2.Photo finnish --> exta +, we have more pictures in the end
How to set up / explanation. --> Players go off with 1 Dragon and request that admin to take a picture of them.
--> The picture needs to be as creative as possible (and follow a specific theme), the other Dragons can then decide if they consider this picture good enough or not.
List of allowed n forbidden techniques. --> They are allowed to go everywhere withing a set boundary. --> they get max 5 min. --> Nothing dangerous! (or they directly lose) --> each member of the team needs to be in it (there can be exceptions).
What all the conditions are for gaining and losing time + how many? --> Gaining points:
--> They made a fun and creative picture (majority needs to vote yes to win).
--> losing: --> they did something dangerous to get that picture. --> the majority voted no on creativity/fun of the picture.
3.Dizzy Bat race
How to set up / explanation. --> Teams get 1 bat. --> 1 finish line (painters' tape) --> They spin at least 5 -10 times around the bat and then try to reach the finish line as fast as possible.
List of allowed n forbidden techniques. (--> Team members are allowed to keep their mate safe (no touching them).) --> Anything is allowed to get to the finish line. --> the competing team is not allowed to do anything to their opposing team.
What all the conditions are for gaining and losing time + how many? --> Gaining points:
--> They make it to the finish line first.
--> losing: --> They don't get to the finish line first. --> They interfere with the other team's player.
Maybe add example video or image to help us visualize?
4.Name That Tune
How to set up / explanation. -->A phone/computer --> play a snippet of a song and have the group guess which one is being played.
Map on where we can play all these mini games next to the board. --> this can be played anywhere.
What all the conditions are for gaining and losing time + how many? --> Gaining points:
--> They guessed correctly
--> losing: --> They guessed wrong.