TarragonVZW / Dragons

General Administration Repo
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Welcome to the Tarragon administrative repo. Below you'll find useful sources as a Dragon to help manage Tarragon.


[!Info] Mission Statement Tarragon is an organization set to organize and promote events around activities that have to do with anything tabletop, larp, etc.


The current dragons, as seen on the website, are as follows:

  1. Mattis, [[Roles#Thane|Thane]]
  2. Stef, [[Roles#Viceroy|Viceroy]]
  3. Jasper, [[Roles#Secretary|Secretary]], [[Roles#Media (Marketing)|Ld. Media]], [[Roles#Scribe (Scriptor)|Ld. Scribe]]
  4. Farah, [[Roles#Treasurer|Treasurer]], [[Roles#Media (Marketing)|Media]]
    • Bert, [[Roles#Discord Mod|Ld. Discord]]
    • Brenainn, [[Roles#General Venturer|General Venturer]]
    • Cis, [[Roles#Dragon Resources|DR]], [[Roles#Discord Mod|Discord]]
    • Leander, [[Roles#Discord Mod|Discord]]
    • Nox, [[Roles#PR (Marketing)|Ld. PR]], [[Roles#Dragon Resources|DR]]
    • Sam, [[Roles#Dragon Resources|Ld. DR]], [[Roles#Scribe (Scriptor)|Scribe]]

Contact info

Tarragon v.z.w. Sint-Jansstraat 21, 8500 Kortrijk BE 0799.673.542 RPR tarragonvzw@gmail.com www.tarragon.be