Implementations of ranges that didn't make C++20. Coded live on Twitch.
Find the documentation here
, cartesian_product
, and chunk
which simplifies the creation of your own range
for converting a range into a container.compose
and bind_back
.for (auto&& [index, element] : my_vector | tl::views::enumerate) {
//use both index and element
template <class F, std::ranges::forward_range... Vs>
auto find_tuples_satisfying(F f, Vs&&... vs) {
return tl::views::cartesian_product(std::forward<Vs>(vs)...)
| std::views::filter(tl::uncurry(f))
| tl::to<std::vector>();
struct cursor {
//set this to indicate your cursor is single-pass-only (default false)
static constexpr bool single_pass;
//set this to indicate your cursor is contiguous (default false)
static constexpr bool contiguous;
//implement this to get operator++() and operator++(int)
void next();
//implement this to get operator--() and operator--(int)
void prev();
//implement this to get operator+=, operator-=, and operator[]
void advance(difference_type n);
//implement this to get operator== and operator!=
bool equal(cursor const&);
//implement this to get operator-, operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>=, and operator<=>
difference_type distance_to(cursor const&);
//make sure your cursor is default constructible
auto my_range_view::begin() {
return tl::basic_iterator{cursor{}};
std::list<int> l;
std::map<int, int> m;
// copy a list to a vector of the same type
auto a = tl::to<std::vector<int>>(l);
// copy a list to a vector of the same type, deducing value_type
auto c = tl::to<std::vector>(l);
//Supports converting associative container to sequence containers
auto f = tl::to<vector>(m); //std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>
//Supports converting sequence containers to associative ones
auto g = tl::to<map>(f); //std::map<int,int>
//Pipe syntax
auto g = l | ranges::view::take(42) | tl::to<std::vector>();
// Nested ranges
std::list<std::forward_list<int>> lst = {{0, 1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6, 7}};
auto vec1 = tl::to<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>(lst);
auto vec2 = tl::to<std::vector<std::deque<double>>>(lst);
auto h = tl::compose(f,g); //h(args...) calls f(g(args...))
auto fp = tl::bind_back(f, n, m); //fp(args...) calls f(args..., n, m)
//Use tl::uncurry to adapt a function into one which takes its arguments from a pair/tuple
std::vector<int> a { 0, 42, 69 };
std::vector<int> b { 18, 64, 69 };
auto v = tl::views::zip(a,b)
| std::views::filter(tl::uncurry(std::ranges::equal_to{}))
| tl::to<std::vector>();
//v == {(69,69)}
//Use tl::pipeable to make a partially-applied range adaptor pipeable to one from the standard library
auto enumerate_reverse = tl::views::enumerate | tl::pipeable(std::views::reverse);
for (auto e : my_vec | enumerate_reverse) {
Tested on:
To the extent possible under law, Sy Brand has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the ranges
library. This work is published from: United Kingdom.