TaserudConsulting / goprocmgr

ISC License
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This program is a configuration manager and process runner for servers, it has an http API to manage and retrieve the configuration. It also provides a CLI client for interacting with the API.

It's inspired by Chalet which is a fork from Hotel. However, this aims to be way simpler in design, feature set and implementation.



Lack of Proxy

Unlike hotel and chalet this program does not provide a proxy to the running servers. This is a design choice because then we would need to listen to port 80 and 443 which would require root access. This would also require to support TLS and certificates. So there's just a whole bunch extra work.

So instead we just provide a random port to the server as an environment variable, then you'll be able to use that in the startup of your application.

In the list of running servers in the web UI you can click the link to the service to access it.

If you're running multiple services with docker you can make sure to put all your services on the same host network and then use something like jwilder/nginx-proxy to map the services up and have local domains to access all your services through the same port, just with different domains (like service1.local).