Taste-Buds / tastebuds

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Taste Buds!

Video Demo: Video Demo on YouTube

What problem does this app address:

Users today are unable to create and share restaurant reviews among Facebook friend lists easily. Users are also unable to find restaurant recommendations based on their friends choices. Additionally, users are unable to communicate and view what dishes they’ve tried and might recommend. There is no easy way to follow people whose taste in food matches with a user.

How does this app solve that problem: Taste Buds makes it easier to log and share food and restaurant recommendations with friends. It also makes it trivial to get food recommendations from friends you know and value their inputs. With Taste buds, no more of going to restaurants recommended by strangers with different taste, ordering the wrong food at a good restaurant and forgetting what you ate the last time you were at a restaurant.

Completed User Stories-

  1. Users can login through Facebook.

  2. A user can go through different features of App by using swipe gesture on image view on Login screen.

  3. Application reads the user location through GPS coordinates.

  4. Home Screen: Restaurants near a user are identified by Google Places and shown in a list format on the Home Activity screen. (View Restaurants)

  5. Friends Screen: Friends screen shows user's Facebook friends who are also using this App.

  6. Restaurant list item on Home view has ratings provided by his/her friends.

  7. Details of a particular restaurant can be viewed by clicking it on Restaurant listing view (Restaurant Detail)

  8. Restaurant's phone number on Detail view is clickable which opens Phone Calling Intent.

  9. Restaurant Reviews: Restaurant detail activity contains three tabs- detail information, restaurant reviews and list of all the dishes which have been reviewed by friends.

  10. Dishes tab on Restaurant detail view shows list of the dishes at a restaurant with their review ratings.

  11. Dish Detail Screen: User can click on a dish to view details about the reviews his/her friends have written about the dish.

  12. User can compose a dish review while he is on Dishes tab by clicking at the edit button present in the Application bar.

  13. Compose Dish Review: This dialog view lets user enter Dish name, rating, auto-completed tags and review for the dish.

  14. Reviews tab: Reviews tab shows reviews for the restaurant from friends.

  15. User can click on any review to view ratings, content, creation date and tags associated with the restaurant.

  16. User can compose a restaurant review while he is on Reviews tab by clicking at the edit button present in the Application bar.

  17. Compose restaurant Review: This dialog view lets user enter rating, auto-completed tags and review for the restaurant.

  18. Friends tab on Home Activity screen: shows friends' locations, profile pictures and number of restaurant and dish reviews, they have provided.

  19. User Profile Screen: User can click on any friend to view his/her restaurant and dish reviews for different restaurants.

  20. A user can view his own reviews for restaurants and dishes by clicking profile button present in the Application bar.

  21. A user doesn't go through login process again if a user has logged in with valid credentials earlier. Home Page becomes the default landing page then.

  22. A user can logout of the Application by clicking cross button in the Application bar.

Libraries and Apis Used:

  1. Facebook SDK
  2. Google Places API
  3. ActionBar sherlock
  4. Google Play services

Checklist of screens needed: