TeaWhoYou / SeekFit

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This project is the result of team work as part of the project assignment of the course Programme Engineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb.

Description of the project

The goal of this project is to develop an innovative Clothing Management Application designed to simplify wardrobe organization and outfit planning. By offering a seamless way to upload, categorize, and manage clothing items and outfits, users can easily navigate their wardrobe and make informed decisions based on weather and occasion. Features such as photo uploading, detailed tagging, real-time weather-based outfit suggestions, and a social sharing platform make this app a comprehensive solution for fashion enthusiasts and casual users alike. Whether you're planning your next look or coordinating outfits with friends, this app offers everything you need to make wardrobe management easy, efficient, and fun.

Considering that this is a default project, also state what you want/have learned.

Functional requirements

All functional requirements can be read here.


Category Used Technology
Mobile Development Framework Flutter
Database PostgreSQL for structured data and MongoDB for unstructured
Image Storage local file system
User Authentication OAuth
Push Notifications Firebase Cloud Messaging
Weather API OpenWeatherMap API
Camera & Media Access Camera API (Flutter libraries)
Scheduling & Calendar Interface TableCalendar (Flutter)


Team members


The rules depend on the organization of the team and are often separated in CONTRIBUTING.md

📝 Code of Conduct Contributor Covenant

As students, you are surely familiar with the minimum acceptable behavior defined in CODE OF CONDUCT FOR STUDENTS OF THE FACULTY OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB, and additional instructions for teamwork in the subject [Program Engineering] (https://www.fer.hr). We expect you to abide by the IEEE Code of Ethics which has an important educational function with the purpose of setting the highest standards of integrity, responsible behavior and ethical behavior in professional activities. Thus, the professional community of software engineers defines general principles that define moral character, making important business decisions and establishing clear moral expectations for all members of the community.

A code of conduct is a set of enforceable rules that serve to clearly communicate expectations and requirements for community/team work. It clearly defines obligations, rights, unacceptable behavior and corresponding consequences (in contrast to the code of ethics). One of the widely accepted codes of conduct for working in the open source community is given in this repository.

Improve team functioning:

  • define how work will be divided among group members
  • agree on how the group will communicate with each other.
  • don't waste time on agreements on which the group will resolve disputes, apply the standards!
  • we implicitly assume that all members of the group will follow the code of conduct.

Report a problem

The worst thing that can happen is that someone stays silent when there are problems. There are several things you can do to best resolve conflicts and issues:

  • Contact me directly email and we will do everything in our power to find out in full confidence what steps we need to take to solve the problem.
  • Talk to your assistant as he has the best insight into team dynamics. Together, you will learn how to resolve conflict and how to avoid further impact on your work.
  • If you feel comfortable, discuss the problem directly. Minor incidents should be dealt with directly. Take the time to speak privately with the affected team member and trust in honesty.

📝 License

Valid (1) CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


All packages are distributed under their own licenses. All materials used (images, models, animations, ...) are distributed under their own licenses.


Original cc0-1.0

COPYING: All the content within this repository is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.


Repository Licensing References