TeachTechTaskForce / edumap

9 stars 12 forks source link


The app is up on Heroku

Minimal commands to get the app running (if you have things set up)

More system-specific setup information is on our wiki.

git clone https://github.com/andyras/edumap.git
cd edumap/edumap
gem install bundler
bundle install
rake db:create  # you may have to prepend `bundle exec` to get this to work.
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s

View the app at http://localhost:3000


Linux users will have to install and configure postgresSQL before running the above commands.

How to contribute

Everyone: play with the site!

If you see anything that you think could be improved on the site, let us know by submitting an issue (make sure you have a github account first).

Web developers: code!

There are usually a few frontend tweaks that we are working on; browse our issues list to see how you can contribute.

Data scientists / data entry experts: add curriculum!

Option 1: manual data entry Our publicly editable curriculum status sheet has a 'template' tab; duplicate this tab, give it an appropriate name, and enter information from a particular curriculum.

Option 2: scrape to .csv Some websites are organized enough (and large enough) to merit scraping the information programatically. If you have the expertise, you're welcome to scrape sites that are out there and output to .csv.

Both options: Further down in this README, there is a specification of what we are looking for as far as data about curriculum options.


List and status

View curriculum status here

Desiderata for each curriculum

In general curricula are broken up into lessons; that is the quantum of curriculum we are working with. Most information will be one-to-one (e.g. age range), and some will be many-to-one (many standards codes map onto one lesson).

Scraping Essentials

Scraping Nice-to-haves

To Deploy to Heroku

From the root directory of the app: git subtree push --prefix edumap heroku master

Standards so far

International Standards

Desiderata for each standard

Scraping Essentials

Scraping Nice-to-haves


A mapping is a set of connections between a lesson and standards codes.

CSV Format