Team-BTMC / osu-radio

Application to play your local osu! library
24 stars 24 forks source link

Current status: Pre-Alpha

Roadmap | Alpha Features & Issues:
Main Figma Design:

What is osu!radio

It's an application that plays your osu! songs!

Song Tab

Download Guide

[!NOTE] To use git and npm, you need to have git & node.js installed

1 | Open the terminal in the directory in which you want to download osu!radio. Then run the 2 following commands,

git clone
cd osu-radio

2 | Next, install the necessary files to run osu!radio,

npm install

A | For a production (User) startup,

npm run start

B | For a hot reloading (Dev) launch,

npm run dev

[!WARNING] If you're planning on reinstalling it

Windows: Be sure to go to %appdata% (Win + R, then type that in) and remove the folder osu-radio-solidjs

Linux: Be sure to go to ~/.config/ and delete osu-radio directory


[!TIP] To get started, it's highly recommended to make a fork of this repository

If you're new to contributing, consider checking out How to Contribute to an Open Source. It's the best and simplest guide to understand what contributing really is

If you're more interested in the coding side of things, be sure to read Good Manners of a PR & Best Practices, as well as How to write a perfect PR

If you're more interested in contributing as a designer, check out the Figma

Remember! Contributions come in all shapes and sizes.

The Vision


The main discussion is in the BTMC TALENT SERVER, #prj-osu-radio
We'll be staying on Electron for the time being. As for UI, it will stay web-based for ease of use & cost of being web-based :)
For anything code related (Discussion, PR, Suggestions), contact @CaptSiro

For anything design related (UI / UX, Ideas, Suggestions), contact @Dudu

Animations are subject to change (the very few osu!radio has).