Team-Pharos / FEC_Lighthouse

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Pharos - Online Retail Mockup

This project was developed by a team of 3 developers within a period of two weeks. It is a Front-End relaunch made with business requirements. It was built utilizing React, Styled-Components, MongoDB, Mongoose, Express and Axios for accessing the inventory API and lightweight server.


Image zoom and panning.


Dynamically rendered image carousel.


Questions and Answers search and addition.


Graphical ratings representation.


Add reviews and read through previously added ones.


Getting Started

After cloning in the repository run npm install to install all dependencies. Then run npm client-dev to watch any changes made to the front-end and npm server-dev to work on the back-end.

Access to prviously used API is not longer available. New inventory API would need to be used with refactoring necessary for data structuring!