Team-Tomato / QP-Generator

Aimed to ease the question paper generation process and include ML to enhance rephrasing of questions. (We are getting started)
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qp-generator question-papers

Gitpod ready-to-code

For NWoC, KWoC, SWoC

We always prefer Slack, yet we decided to try WhatsApp for communication to reduce the gap between the mentee and mentor. If you have read our wiki page and decided to contribute to the project, please join the Whatsapp chat

website title image

👉A Question Generation App👈

📌 Introduction

Question paper Generator, a web app which helps everyone to generate question papers with ease.

⭐ How to get started?

You can refer to the following articles on the basics of Git and Github and also contact the Project Mentors, in case you are stuck:

💥 How to Contribute?

PRs Welcome Open Source Love svg2

📌 How to use Gitpod?

  1. SignUp in Gitpod using your GitHub account.
  2. Download Gitpod browser extension
  3. Refresh the github repo page in your browser.
  4. Click the Gitpod button near the download button. [Gitpod]()
  5. Now enjoy editing your code in the cloud IDE!!

Kindly check the wiki page for more details, Thanks.

Contributors: ✨

Made with contributors-img.