Team3146 / Pirum-Website

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Pirum Website


Pirum is a website written by Team 3 from the 2018 CS146 Web Design course. This Readme file contains documentation on how to get started developing for it.

Important Links


For future reference, <thing1 | thing2 | thing3> mean you can type either thing1, thing2, or thing3 as an option.

Tooling Docs


Command Description
git status checks the status of your local files
git < add ǀ rm > < filename ǀ * ǀ . > Adds a specified filename, or anything it can add (if * or . are used) to be committed.
git commit -m "<commit message>" Commits changes to local branch
git push <name of repository> master Pushes current changes to the remote repository (<name of repository> is typically "origin")
git pull <name of repository> master Pulls content from the remote repository and merges the changes to local branch
git remote < add ǀ remove > <name of repository> <link to repository> Adds or removes a remote repository. Please note that the link is only used if adding a repository.

Site Docs

CSS Selectors

Selector Description
.header Targets all headers
.footer Targets all footers
.content-container Targets the elements that have content inside of them.
.content-text Any text-based content. NOTE: refers to the content itself, not the container that holds it.
.content-interactive Targets any embedded / interactive content. NOTE: refers to the content itself, not the container that holds it.
.content-mediagrid Targets any grid of items, whether they be pictures, other kinds of content, etc.
.content-area Targets areas that can hold content containers.