Team4308 / Team-Website

Team website rewrite in Next.js.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Website for Absolute Robotics

Team website rewrite in Next.js.


  1. Check out the GitHub Project.
  2. Choose an item
    • Must be in the "Ready" or "In progress" columns
    • Must be less than or around the estimated collaborator count
    • If the item is in the "Ready" column, move to "In progress" on start
  3. Add yourself as an assignee
  4. If the item requires, open a branch or pull request for the item's issue
  5. When writing commit messages, follow Angular's commit message formatting.
  6. On completion, move the item to the "In review" column

[!IMPORTANT] Please do not push directly to the main branch!

When working on an issue, create a pull request or branch for code review.

Notice for General Public

This repository is for members of Absolute Robotics to contribute to.

We're working on a way to have the repository private while still hosting on GitHub pages.