Team6DiamondPlatipi / TechnicallyAMammal

With the rise of electric cars hitting the roads these days with no shortage of gas-powered cars, Fuel Up gives the user a one-stop hop to the nearest station!!! Including address, phone number, distance (gas), and charging type (electric)., Fuel Up has users enter in their address and choose the type of fueling station they are looking for.
1 stars 2 forks source link


a platypus is technically a mammal

Welcome to our web application, Fuel Up!

Application Requirements

 Must use at least two server-side APIs

 Must use a CSS framework _other than_ Bootstrapv

 Must be interactive (i.e: accept and respond to user input)

 Use at least one new third-party API

 Must have a polished UI

 Must meet good quality coding standard

 Does not use alerts, confirms or prompts (look into _modals_)

 Must be deployed to GitHub PagesPresentation Requirements

 Use project presentation template Below to address the following the criteria below.


 Elevator pitch: a one minute description of your application

 Concept: What is your user story? What was your motivation for development?

 Process: What were the technologies used? How were tasks and roles broken down and assigned? What challenges did you encounter? What were your successes?

 Demo: Show your stuff!

 Directions for Future Development

 Links to the deployed application and the GitHub repository

## Grading Metrics

Metric Weight


 Concept 10%

 Design 20%

 Functionality 30%

 Collaboration 30%

 Presentation 10%

## Submission on BCS

You are required to submit the following:

The URL of the deployed application

The URL of the GitHub repository