TeamSpen210 / HammerAddons

Useful tweaks and content for Source Engine Games
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Hammer Addons

Teamspen's Hammer Addons


Entity Description
comp_adv_output Adds a single output to another entity, while allowing instance renaming or $fixups to apply to only certain parts.
comp_flicker Fires on/off and skin inputs repeatedly to simulate a flicker-on effect.
comp_case Version of logic_case which is optimised away by the compiler.
comp_choreo_sceneset Chains a set of choreographed scenes together.
comp_entity_finder Finds the closest entity of a given type, then applies various transformations. Outputs from this entity will be moved to the found entity.
comp_entity_mover Shift an entity by a given amount. This is useful to place entities into the void, for example.
comp_kv_setter Sets a keyvalue on an entity to a new value. This is useful to compute spawnflags, or to adjust keyvalues when the target entity's options can't be set to a fixup variable.
comp_numeric_transition When triggered, animates a keyvalue/input over time with various options.
comp_pack Explicitly identify resources to pack into the map, in addition to automatic detection.
comp_pack_rename Pack a file into the BSP, under a different name than it starts with.
comp_pack_replace_soundscript Replace a soundscript with a different one.
comp_player_input_helper Fake entity that allows Hammer to autocomplete inputs fired at the special !player name (and other similar ones).
comp_precache_model Force a specific model to load, for runtime switching. Duplicates will be removed.
comp_precache_sound Force a specific sound to load, for runtime switching. Duplicates will be removed. More keyvalues can be added.
comp_prop_cable/comp_prop_rope Generates 3D cables using a static prop.
comp_prop_cable_dynamic/comp_prop_rope_dynamic Modifies the above to generate a dynamic prop, instead.
comp_propcombine_set/comp_propcombine_volume Specifies a group of props that will be combined together, so they more efficiently render.
comp_relay Simplified version of logic_relay which is able to be optimised away by the compiler.
comp_scriptvar_setter Assigns data or a group of data to a variable in an entity's VScript scope on spawn.
comp_sequential_call Finds a sequence of entities (by distance or numeric suffix), then fires inputs delayed in order.
comp_vactube_end Marks the end point of a vactube. Objects reaching here will be cleaned up.
comp_vactube_junction Marks a junction in a vactube, where they're forced to change direction. Scanner models near straight nodes will be detected automatically.
comp_vactube_spline Generates a dynamic vactube model following a set of points.
comp_vactube_object Registers objects that can appear in the tubing.
comp_vactube_start Marks the start point of a vactube. This is where they spawn.

