TeamTracle / tracle

TRACLE is an upcoming free and open source video platform.
GNU General Public License v3.0
19 stars 10 forks source link

TRACLE - The open video platform

TRACLE is a free and open source video platform.

This repository contains the source code for the website.


Feel free to fork and make a pull request for small changes. If you're planning to change more than a couple of lines it's probably better to open an issue first.

Join our discord server

Installation (for development)

Using Docker (recommended)

First, clone, fork or download this repository. Open a terminal and change your working directory to the root of the repository, e.g.

git clone
cd tracle

Copy envs/local.env.example to envs/local.env

cp envs/local.env.example envs/local.env

Use docker-compose to build the image and start the services

docker-compose -f local.yml up --build -d

Setup the database:

docker-compose -f local.yml exec django python loaddata backend/fixtures/categories.json

Using virtual environment (here be dragons)

TRACLE requires Python3, pip3 and Redis if you are running Linux you probably have it already installed, otherwise refer to the documentation of your distribution on how to install it. On Debian you can use this command to make sure all needed packages are installed:

sudo apt install git python3-venv python3-dev build-essential redis-server

First, clone, fork or download this repository. Open a terminal and change your working directory to the root of the repository, e.g.

git clone
cd tracle

Next, create a virtual environment and activate it. I recommend venv, e.g.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

We use pip-tools to manage the requirements.txt, so install that, too:

pip3 install pip-tools

Next, install the dependencies from requirements.txt and requirements_dev.txt:

pip3 install wheel
pip-sync requirements.txt requirements_dev.txt

Copy envs/local.env.example to src/.env

cp envs/local.env.example src/.env

Setup the database:

cd src/
./ migrate
./ loaddata backend/fixtures/categories.json

You can run a local development server using the following command:

cd src/
./ runserver

Autoprefixer is run only on deployment or when DEBUG is set to false. You'll need npm to install these node modules:

npm install -g postcss-cli autoprefixer