TechGrounds-Cloud8 / cloud8-pprasing

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Example Cloud

A template repository for the Cloud Training of TechGrounds.
This will be your home for storing your learning progress and your final project. At the end you will have a knowledge base of all the things you learned. And proof with the project you can start as a Cloud Engineer.

There are a few templates available for you to use. You will mainly be using the Excersize template. You will fill the template with your own content and then commit it to your repository.

An (incomplete) example of an exersize using this template can be found in 03_Cloud_1 about S3.

You can also find some templates for your projects. These will be explained further when you start your project.

This is also for you. Rename this document and create a new in your repository and fill it with an introduction of yourself.

Organization is Key

This repository shall be your knowledge base and portfolio. With all the exercises you will do and the results you will get it is easy to lose structure. Below is a an overview on how to structure your repository:

 |- 00_includes < A place for your screenshots
 |- 00_templates < A place you will find the templates
 |- 01_Linux_1
 |- 02_Cloud_1
 |- 02_Cloud_2
 |- 02_Cloud_⋮
 |- 02_Cloud_6
 |- 03_Project
 |  |- Code
 |  |- Documentation
 |  |- Log
 |- descriptions < To prevent duplicate (inconsistent) descriptions you can use this folder and then link to it from your exercises.

It is vital that you use this folder structure for your exercises. This will make it easier to find the exercises and the results and for your teammembers and learning coaches to check your content and provide feedback.

As you can see the folders for the first few weeks are already made for you. Some of them will have an .exist-file. You can delete this file when you start filling them with your content.

Definition of Done

Pushing the documentation to the repository is not the end of the assignment. We use 'the Four eyes' principle: this means that there should be two extra sets of eyes that validate and sign off your work before we consider it done. You will find the instructions for this in !!TODO!!

MarkDown Tips

A complete cheatsheet can be found here.

What isn't mentioned on the cheatsheet,

But is important to know:


If you write a line and use one break. Github/Markdown will render it as a single line.

Use two breaks to make a paragraph.


To only have a line break use a double space before you start a new line.


Line 1
Line 2

Formatting shortlist

[text](link) is used to create links. Make certain that when you do link to a screenshot or another file, that you use relative paths.

#·text will format to a level 1 heading <h1>.

##·text will format to a level 2 heading <h2>.

And so on.

Text in `backquotes` will be formatted as code.

*text* will format as italic text.
**text** will format as bold text.
***text*** will be both italic and bold.

Look at the source of this Readme!