Technik-Tueftler / TwitchHenCommander

Collect the messages with a hashtag and tweet the hastags at the end of the stream
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The TwitchHenCommander is a program that listens to an adjustable Twitch chat and saves various things there and reacts to events. The exact functions are described in more detail under the heading Functions. The bot can be started locally in a Python environment or as a Docker container. More details under the heading Installation / Execution.

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Summary Feature

  1. Collect and post hashtags
  2. Post new clips
  3. Stream start message


  1. Collects hashtags in the broadcaster's Twitch chat and posts them to the configured Discord channel at the end of the stream or when a command is executed. It can be set that only hashtags with a configurable rank are collected (Vips, Mods, Broadcaster). You can also specify whether the hashtag function should be started or ended with the start or end of the stream and thus be posted automatically.
  2. If a new clip is created in your stream, it can also be posted on the Discord channel.
  3. When your stream starts, a message is sent to the Discord channel. You can customize this message and pass parameters.
  4. Suppressing hashtags for the post via a blacklist and adding them via a command

Installation / Execution

  1. Runs the program locally by executing the main file. To do this, simply copy the repository and execute The settings must be loaded via the environment variables. The variables can be stored directly in the system or you can use an .env file. The template.env file can be used for this by renaming it to .env and writing the value to the required variables. The program was tested and developed under Python 3.11.
  2. via a Docker container. Example see point Docker Compose Example below.

What else is needed

Supported platforms to broadcast

Currently only Discord is supported via WebHook. To do this, a new WebHook must be created in the server settings under Integration. Here you can also set the channel on which the notification should be sent.

Environment variables

All environment variables required for the respective function are listed below.

Twitch Chat

All variables needed to read the Twitch chat.

Variable Explanation Example
TW_CLIENT_ID Twitch client ID of Bot. edr33sdfvbnmwsxdcfrt55jkdedded
TW_TOKEN Twitch token of Bot. hkedkodendoe343434gtgtdedexyde5667
TW_NICKNAME Display name of the bot in the chat. Technik_Tueftler
TW_INIT_CHANNELS All channels to be monitored, separated by a comma. technik_tueftler,thebrutzler
TW_BROADCASTER_ID The ID of the broadcaster, optional, is also determined automatically. 123456789
CHECK_STREAM_INTERVAL Time (s) in whether the stream is online or offline. 60
LOG_LEVEL Defines the level of log messages and which are to be output and saved. DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
START_BOT_AT_STREAMSTART Defines whether the bot should be started when stream starts. active for active or nothing for inactive
FINISH_BOT_AT_STREAMEND Defines whether the bot should be terminated at the end of stream. active for active or nothing for inactive

Hashtag function

All variables are described here, which are required to collect hashtags and post them in the Discord at the end. Variable Explanation Example
DC_FEATURE_HASHTAG Determines whether the function should be active or not. active for active or nothing for inactive
DC_USER_NAME_HASHTAG Username of WebHook in Discord for posting Hashtags. HashtagBot
DC_WEBHOOK_URL_HASHTAG WebHook-URL of WebHook ii Discord for posting Hashtags.
HASHTAG_MAX_LENGTH Defines the maximum length of a hashtag. 20
HASHTAG_MIN_LENGTH Defines the minimum length of a hashtag. 3
TWEET_MAX_LENGTH Currently has no function NA
TWEET_START_STRING Defines a text that is written before the hashtags. These were the hashtags from the stream:
TWEET_END_STRING Defines a text that is written after the hashtags. Thank you for being there.
HASHTAG_ALL_LOWER_CASE Determines whether all hashtags are converted to lowercase letters. active for active or nothing for inactive
HASHTAG_AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL Defines minimum rank which hashtags should be posted. Possible: EVERYONE, SUBSCRIBER, VIP, MOD, BROADCASTER

Clip function

All variables that are required to recognize clips and post them in the Discord are described here. Variable Explanation Example
DC_FEATURE_CLIPS Determines whether the function should be active or not. active for active or nothing for inactive
DC_USER_NAME_CLIP Username of WebHook in Discord to post new clips. ClipBot
DC_WEBHOOK_URL_CLIP WebHook-URL of WebHook in Discord to post new clips.
CLIPS_FETCH_TIME Time (s) to check whether a new clip has been created. 60
CLIP_THANK_YOU_TEXT Defines a text that appears when a new clip is posted. See Set own text

Stream-Start function

All variables that are required to post a message at the beginning of a stream in the Discord are described here. Variable Explanation Example
DC_FEATURE_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART Determines whether the function should be active or not. active for active or nothing for inactive
DC_USER_NAME_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART Username of WebHook in Discord to post message. UpdateBot
DC_WEBHOOK_URL_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART WebHook-URL of WebHook in Discord to post message.
DC_FEATURE_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART_TEXT Defines a start text that appears during stream start. Siehe Festlegen eigener Text


If no commands are defined in the environment variables, the default commands are used. If you want to rename these, the corresponding variable must be adapted. The exclamation mark is always used as the identifier.

Default command Explanation environment variable
!helphash Lists all commands of the hashtag bot. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_HELP
!statushash Shows the status of the bot, whether it is running or paused. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_STATUS
!starthash Start collecting the hashtags. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_START
!finishhash Finish collecting and send the hashtags. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_FINISH
!stophash Stop collecting and delete the hashtags. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_STOP
!hashblacklist Add hashtag to blacklist. BOT_HASHTAG_COMMAND_BANN

Set own text

For some texts, it is possible to replace placeholders with your own variables and thus create a configurable text. This means that the placeholders always remain the same and can be integrated into your own text. Placeholder Variable Meaning
#broadcaster DC_FEATURE_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART_TEXT Name of streamer
#link DC_FEATURE_MESSAGE_STREAMSTART_TEXT Link to streamer channel
#link CLIP_THANK_YOU_TEXT Link to the clip you just created
#user CLIP_THANK_YOU_TEXT Chatter who created the clip

Example: A clip from the current stream #link Thanks to #user for clipping.

Suppressing hashtags

There is the option of not registering hashtags for the post and adding them to a blacklist. All hashtags are in the file blacklist.txt and can be added there manually before the bot starts. While the bot is running, this is possible at any time via the chat command and is also entered in the text document.

Docker Compose Example

version: "2"
    image: techniktueftler/twitchhashtagbot:latest
    container_name: tetue_twitch_hashtag_bot
      - /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0815-1234-123-456-0815/data/tetue_twitch_hashtag_bot/:/user/app/TwitchHashtagBot/files/
      - TW_CLIENT_ID=edr33sdfvbnmwsxdcfrt55jkdedded
      - TW_TOKEN=hkedkodendoe343434gtgtdedexyde5667
      - TW_NICKNAME=Technik_Tueftler
      - TW_INIT_CHANNELS=technik_tueftler
      - DC_USER_NAME=HashtagBot