TechnionYP5777 / Smartcity-Smarthouse

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Sensors are not shown in the sensors tab #233

Closed rodedzats closed 7 years ago

rodedzats commented 7 years ago

I can not see the available sensors in the Sensors tab as described here: Attaching a screenshot 5

EliaTraore commented 7 years ago

The house is a stand alone application - in a "real scenrio" you would install apps and sensors on it, just like you would on your phone (except the sensor part). However, we have a demo module showing how a house would look with applications and sensors connected, but due to a technical error we didn't upload that module as part of the release - we're currently working on a revision to our release ( @RonGatenio will keep you posted) In the mean time, you can download from the release the, and run an application in developer mode, it will open with the application and sensor already installed and give you at least a partial experience.

EliaTraore commented 7 years ago

Update: (wonders of the cs_conference) the release have been updated, please download ApplicationsIncludedHouse-1.01-jar-with-dependencies.jar. @rodedzats

rodedzats commented 7 years ago

Thanks! I'll try it now

roy-shchory commented 7 years ago

@DavidCohen55 we addressed your question here

DavidCohen55 commented 7 years ago

Where can I find the download @EliaTraore

EliaTraore commented 7 years ago

The first jar in our last release :)