This project offers a smart-house framework, allowing comfortable development of applications utilizing existing sensors within the smart-house to assess and manipulate the state of the house.
It is comprised of 3 main components: the sensors in the house (or their simulation), the system managing those sensors, and your application (and others) influencing the house at all times.
The system acts as a mediator between the sensors and the applications. The sensors send data to the system and the system notifies the applications that a new data has been received.
In order to efficiently communicate the information between those components, We've implemented an OS-like system that runs a local sensors-server, contains an event driven file-system and an access control mechanism.
Any Applications and sensors that are developed by 3rd party developers, must implement the platform's API.
For more information, go to our wiki pages.
Please feel free to leave a review of your installation experience in our Wiki.
If your are reviewing us during 2nd-3rd of July 2017 between 12:30-14:30 GMT+3, you can also receive live support from our team - just open an issue and we'll try to assist you. For more information about how to submit reviews and issues please look into the following page.
The project is developed using the Java
programming language. To run the code you will need JDK 8 and the JavaFX library.
For a better understanding of the project structure, please read the System Overview wiki page, which presents the different parts of the project.
Please read our Installation Guide. But before, make sure you have installed the required run time environment and libraries.
Working on Windows?
Simply go to the Oracle official download pages, and download any JDK 8 release installation.
Working on Linux?
If installing using the apt-get
program, run the following commands:
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre
And the following command to install the JavaFX library:
sudo apt-get install openjfx
These three commands will install the java development kit, java runtime environment and the JavaFX library. Another option would be to go to the official Oracle download page, download the java binaries and do the installation manually.
From the root directory, run
mvn clean package -DskipTests
The following jar files will be created in the target
- the smarthouse systemSos-1.01-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- the sos application runnerStove-1.01-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- the stove application runnerVitals-1.01-jar-with-dependencies.jar
- the vitals application runnerYou can run any of those jar files with the command:
java -jar <JAR_FILE_NAME>