TechnionYP5779 / team4

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codecov Language grade: Java [Projects code style]()


Project Description

This is part of the 2018-2019 yearly project @ Technion Israel Institute of Technology.\ Project goal is to take a small library and improve it by refactoring it's code, adding documentation, improving test coverage, and much more.

The Spartanizer is:

The Spartanizer is an Eclipse plugin that offers tips for simplifying your code and make it shorter.

The Spartanizer applies spartan programming principles to your code. It refactors your code so it is simpler, contains less variable names that take place in the program's namespaces and is supposed to make the code cleaner.

The Spartanizer offers a various of programming tips and improvements, including removal of unnecessary code, changing temporary variables to generic names and much more.

This project was conceived as an academic project in the 'Technion - Israel Institute of Technology', and was later developed for several years by different students and members of the Computer Science faculty.

