Welcome to the Documentation of our Technophobe project!
Aim of the project: create a database of zoo animals, functions, and api endpoint to manipulate this database.
- model.py: here you find the different classes: specimen, species and genus. Genus is the parent of species, which is the parent of specimen. Use these classes when you want to create a new entry in the database for example.
- import_functions.py: here we have the functions that are needed to add the data to our database.
- data.py: in this file we have the initial data and we use the functions created in import_functions file to add the data to our database.
- api.py: here we keep all the different apis.
Definition of Done (Dod):
A Dod is a set of rules that we agree upon for optimal collaboration and making sure that we keep a high code quality. These are the following rules:
- once an issue is created, one person works on it on a separate branche. When they are done, they create a pull request to merge to master.
- someone else reviews the code and merges it to master.
- tests have been created if applicable: integration tests and unit tests