Techsalicious / Hacktoberfest-2020-closed

Hey, this is our open-source repository for Hacktoberfest 2020, do contribute and have a chance to win a great surprise.
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Hacktoberfest 2020

Hey, whats up? Here is our open-source Hacktoberfest repository. If you are interested for a free T-Shirt or You can save our environment by planting a Tree from DigitalOcean, it is up to you. You can write a program in any language you prefer that has to be in the respective program folder.


  1. Please keep your program in the respective programming language folder. (If there is no folder for your language please make one and add the file to that folder)

Go ahead and contribute, the most unique program will have a special surprise from us. Happy Coding. ©Techsalicious