During weeks 6, 7, & 8; participants will create and respond to their peers' GitHub issues. Create a two part lesson on how to accomplish this. Ticketing systems should be discussed and related to why this exercise will be relevant to their future work. The following steps should be included in the lesson:
Week 6: Create & Share three GitHub Issues in Past Projects
Participants should have been exposed to creating GitHub issues by now. If they need a refresher, they can watch this video on creating GitHub issues. They need to go back to their past week’s projects and add three different issues.
Create issues that call out bugs, new features, or prospective optimization, so that their cohort-mate can resolve the issue in the coming weeks.
Their issue should be detailed about the existing state of the issue they are reporting (a screenshot or GIF), as well as where to find the issue (link to specific files or lines of code), how to recreate it, the existing behavior, and desired behavior.
They should be prepared to also share their three issues during the week's project share.
Week 7: Request to Work on a Peer's Past Project Issue
We want the participants to contribute to one of their cohort-mates issues.
They should take one day to find a peer's issue to request to work on.
As the issue owner,
they will need to respond to any incoming comments requesting to work on an issue;
they will also need to review incoming PRs related to the issue which includes reviewing code, leaving critiquing feedback and comments, as well as
approvals and merging of PRs and closing of solved issues.
As the issue requester,
they will need to comment on the issue they would like,
wait for the owner to confirm you as assigned,
manually assign yourself to the issue once confirmed (if the owner hasn’t done it), and
submit a PR in response to the issue (referencing the issue in the PR description).
They should be prepared to also share their PR in response to a peer’s issue during the week's project share.
Week 8: Submit a PR on a Peer's Past Project Issue
Day 1:
They should still be working on creating a pull request in response to one of their cohort-mates past project issues.
They may need to follow up with the issue owner if they haven’t been confirmed as assigned to work on the issue by now.
They should take the first day of the week to plan out their daily work for the PR if they haven’t already started making progress, in order to time manage their work alongside their weekly project and other deliverables.
Day 2:
They should be approved to work on the issue and actively committing changes to a new branch on their repo.
Do they have any context questions you need to reach out about?
Is their PR clear enough for someone not familiar with the issue?
Do they have visuals (before and after)?
Day 3 - 5: Submit their PR for approval and respond to any change requests or comments.
The participants have not yet been exposed to working on GitHub issues or working from a ticketing system.
Suggested Solution
The purpose of this exercise is to get them thinking about project collaboration and picking up tickets or issues to work on, which they will do when working on a production team in their first role.
During weeks 6, 7, & 8; participants will create and respond to their peers' GitHub issues. Create a two part lesson on how to accomplish this. Ticketing systems should be discussed and related to why this exercise will be relevant to their future work. The following steps should be included in the lesson:
Week 6: Create & Share three GitHub Issues in Past Projects
Week 7: Request to Work on a Peer's Past Project Issue
Week 8: Submit a PR on a Peer's Past Project Issue
Page where issue should live
Add the lesson here.
Type of problem
The participants have not yet been exposed to working on GitHub issues or working from a ticketing system.
Suggested Solution
The purpose of this exercise is to get them thinking about project collaboration and picking up tickets or issues to work on, which they will do when working on a production team in their first role.