Techtonica / curriculum

This repo contains the curriculum of Techtonica, a free tech training program for women and non-binary adults with low incomes.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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apprenticeship curriculum curriculum-development hacktoberfest javascript non-binary non-profit open-source techtonica women

Welcome to the Techtonica curriculum!

Techtonica is a non-profit project of SocialGood that offers a software engineering training with a need-based, sliding-scale, subsidized tuition and stipend scholarships for intensive tech training and job placement for unemployed or underemployed folks. For more information, please see our website:

Program participants will learn to do full-stack web development using JavaScript. What bootcamps and Techtonica have in common is the fact that they are intensive training. However, bootcamps can be pretty passive classroom learning and they cost \$15,000+ for the students.

Techtonica aims to be more like the workplace to make the transition into the industry better—instead of having an instructor constantly guiding you (which you won't have in any software engineering job), you are given a general schedule of topics and assignments (see our curriculum repo for an idea of the resources provided) and you're expected to figure out what to do on your own or in collaboration with volunteers, mentors, tech groups, and other participants. We’re making Techtonica’s program as hands-on and project-based as possible to best prepare you for work in tech.

Jump to Curriculum Table of Contents.


If you would like to contribute to the curriculum, please sign up here, then choose an issue in the to-do list.

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Completed curriculum:

We'd love your help in improving this curriculum. See CONTRIBUTING for details.

Table of Contents

The following is the approximate sequence of the topics during the program but is always being tuned and optimized so if you have questions, please open an issue.

Week 0 - Pre-Work

Before beginning the program, participants meet weekly for 4 weeks to learn JavaScript fundamentals. Participants should memorize common JavaScript built-in functions within the first month.

Week 1 - Onboarding & Developer Tools

  1. Welcome, Tips, and Rules
  2. Expectations While at Techtonica
  3. How to Learn
  4. Professionalism
  5. Roles in Tech
  6. Intro to Command Line Interface Tools
  7. Advanced Command Line
  8. Bash Profile
  9. Vim
  10. Homebrew 📝
  11. How to Pair Program
  12. Project 0 - Week 1 Review
  13. Operating Systems
  14. Keyboard Shortcuts
  15. Ergonomics
  16. Growth Mindset
  17. Asking Good Questions
  18. Networking (Career)
  19. Chrome Developer Tools: Setup
  20. One of either: Living in Open Workspaces or Working Remotely depending on program status. 😷
  21. HTML
  22. Intro to CSS
  23. JS HTML DOM Methods
  24. Debugging
  25. Recipe Page Project: HTML

Week 2 - Webpages: HTML & CSS

  1. Git Version Control
  2. .gitignore
  3. Using GitHub for Code Storage
  4. GitHub Collaboration
  5. Operating Systems
  6. Local Development with VS Code
  7. Article: What Exactly is the DOM?
  8. How the Internet Works (The Other Kind of Networking)
  9. Intro to DNS
  10. Recipe Page Project: CSS
  11. Media Queries
  12. UI/UX
  13. Bootstrap
  14. Building Confidence
  15. Recipe Page Project: Bootstrap
  16. Solving Code Challenges
  17. Git Part 2: Study Guide
  18. Portfolio Project: HTML, CSS & Bootstrap
  19. Using GitHub for Project Collaboration
  20. Portfolio Project: Personal Branding
  21. Reading/Writing Documentation
  22. Writing Readable Code
  23. Deploy your Portfolio Project: Deploying Client-Side Apps with Netlify
  24. Portfolio Project: Collaboration and Review

Week 3 - JavaScript Fundamentals

  1. JavaScript 1 - Variables, Strings, Numbers
  2. JavaScript 2 - Arrays, Functions
  3. JavaScript 3 - Conditionals, Comparisons, Booleans
  4. JavaScript 4 - Loops
  5. JavaScript 5 - Switch Statements
  6. JavaScript 6 - Object Literals
  7. Datetime
  8. Basic JavaScript Practice
  9. Testing & TDD
  10. Assigned Reading - Eloquent JavaScript

Week 4 - Intermediate JavaScript and React

  1. JavaScript DOM Manipulation - formerly jQuery
  2. HTML/JS Game Project
  3. a11y: Accessibility
  4. SEO
  5. Portfolio Project: Incorporate SEO & a11y
  6. JavaScript 7 - Object-Oriented Programming
  7. Mini Project: Object Oriented Programming in JS
  8. Functional Programming
  9. All React Lessons

Week 5 - Web APIs

  1. Node
  2. JavaScript 8 - Regular Expressions / RegEx
  3. Runtime Complexity
  4. Intro to HTTP
  5. APIs & JSON
  6. HTTP Requests Practice
  7. Express
  8. REST APIs

Week 6 - Databases

  1. JavaScript 9 - Async, Callbacks, Promises
  2. Intro to JSON (DigitalOcean)
  3. AJAX
  4. .env & config files
  5. TwilioQuest Exercise
  6. import & require
  7. Install Postgres
  8. Intro to Databases
  9. Data Modeling 1 (Single tables)
  10. SQL 1 (Single tables)
  11. Data Modeling 2 (Multiple tables)
  12. SQL 2 (Multiple tables)
  13. Intro to Docker
  14. Install and Run PostgreSQL using Docker

Week 7 - Advanced JS and React

  1. Full-Stack Web App Using React and Express
  2. Recursion
  3. JavaScript Set object

Week 8 - Testing

  1. Adding Tests to your NodeJS project
  2. Testing with Jest
  3. Rithm School- Testing with Jest
  4. API testing with Jest
  5. Testing React Components with Jest and React Testing Library

Week 9 - Eventonica

  1. Eventonica Project

Week 10 - Full Stack Practice

  1. Deploying to Heroku with React and Node
  2. Optimizing your React/NodeJS Project
  3. Enzyme Testing

Week 11 - Data Structures & Algorithms

Data Structures

  1. Intro to Data Structures
  2. Sprint Plan for Data Structures & Algorithms Week
  3. Data Structures: Stacks
  4. Data Structures: Queues
  5. Data Structures: Linked Lists
  6. Data Structures: Hash Tables
  7. JavaScript Map
  8. Data Structures: Trees


  1. Intro to Algorithms
  2. Algorithms: Searching
  3. Algorithms: Sorting

Week 12 - Final Assessments

  1. Navigating New Codebases
  2. Open-source Projects

Week 13 - Career Week!

  1. Technical Interviewing
  2. Take-home Problems
  3. Non-Tech Interviews
  4. Article by Techtonica Alum: Working in the field as a New Software Engineer out of Bootcamp
  5. Career Week: Machine Learning Engineer
  6. Career Week: Entrepreneurship
  7. Career Week: Data Science
  8. Career Week: Security
  9. Career Week: QA Engineer
  10. Career Week: Developer Advocate
  11. Career Week: Sales Engineering
  12. Career Week: Technical Program Manager

Week 14 - Project Prep Week & Electives

  1. Intro to Security in Web Development
  2. Refactoring
  3. Interviewing
  4. Resume Writing
  5. Front End Take-home Challenge
  6. Back End Take-home Challenge
  7. Technical Writing
  8. Final Project: Selecting Your Final Project
  9. Final Project: 5 weeks
  10. Resources: Underrepresented in Tech
  11. Difficult Workplace Situations
  12. Financial Literacy
  13. Negotiating
  14. Ethics in Software Engineering

Weeks 15+ Final Project

After Week 14, Participants build a full-stack web application in the course of one month, from inception to production. This includes:

For more details, see Final Project.

Independent Topics

These are not blockers for any of the core sequence and so they are worked into the schedule as time permits.

  1. Interpersonal Conflict Resolution
  2. Diversity, Inclusion & Implicit Bias
  3. Tech Tips and Rules
  4. Giving Presentations
  5. Whiteboarding
  6. Whiteboarding Interview Challenges
  7. Agile Project Management
  8. Intro to Scrum

Optional / Elective Lessons

Creative Commons Open-Source License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

CC BY-SA 4.0