Techtonica / curriculum

This repo contains the curriculum of Techtonica, a free tech training program for women and non-binary adults with low incomes.
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Create a topic outline for "Performance Reviews" #2095

Open daaimah123 opened 1 month ago

daaimah123 commented 1 month ago

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Ahead of the participant's submission of their performance reviews (weeks 9 - 11), they should have an interactive lesson that gives more clarity about what the process of giving and receiving a performance review looks like. The lesson should anonymize past participant feedback, go over with cohort staff, and revisited throughout the day in various forms:

Please explain any of your "disagree" or "somewhat disagree" responses (the more someone knows the more they can improve).

What is one thing this person could do to improve their recommendation score as a great coworker (please give clear and actionable feedback)?

What is one thing that this person has done well or shown great growth with during their time at Techtonica?

Is there anything else that it could be helpful for this person to know?

Page where problem found?

Add the lesson to this "practice" directory.

Type of problem

Understanding how to give actionable performance review feedback that supports growth. As well as, exposure to receiving both positive and negative feedback.

Suggested Solution

This lesson should provide interactive activities for the participants to review anonymized past participants feedback to determine how to interact with it. Such as: