Tecnativa / doodba

Base image for making the creation of customized Odoo environments a piece of cake
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[FIX] if ~root/.ssh/ is prematurely created, we need to remove it, ensuring that AUTOAGGREGATE can read the ssh/config correctly #585

Closed theangryangel closed 9 months ago

theangryangel commented 9 months ago

I've run out of time to investigate further, but somehow a /root/.ssh directory is being prematurely created. This results in the symlink to /opt/odoo/custom/ssh being created as sub-directory (i.e. /root/.ssh/ssh rather than /root/.ssh).

I hope this change is suitable?

I've tried to add a quick test to ensure that this is perhaps caught in future. I have not backported this to previous versions as it does not seem to be occurring there.

In the interim, if anyone wants a temporary workaround (created as odoo/custom/build.d/099-fix-aggregate):

set -e

if [ -e ~root/.ssh/ssh/ ]; then
    log WARNING "Found nested SSH directory. Performing workaround for temporary fix for #582 / #585"

    unlink ~root/.ssh/ssh
    rm -rf ~root/.ssh/
    ln -sf /opt/odoo/custom/ssh ~root/.ssh

JordiBForgeFlow commented 9 months ago
