Tecnativa / doodba

Base image for making the creation of customized Odoo environments a piece of cake
Apache License 2.0
423 stars 302 forks source link
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Doodba stands for Docker Odoo Base, and it is a highly opinionated image ready to put Odoo inside it, but without Odoo.


Yes, the purpose of this is to serve as a base for you to build your own Odoo project, because most of them end up requiring a big amount of custom patches, merges, repositories, etc. With this image, you have a collection of good practices and tools to enable your team to have a standard Odoo project structure.

BTW, we use Debian. I hope you like that.


Because developing Odoo is hard. You need lots of customizations, dependencies, and if you want to move from one version to another, it's a pain.

Also because nobody wants Odoo as it comes from upstream, you most likely will need to add custom patches and addons, at least, so we need a way to put all together and make it work anywhere quickly.


You can start working with this straight away with our template.

Image usage

Basically, every directory you have to worry about is found inside /opt/odoo. This is its structure:


Let's go one by one.

/opt/odoo/custom: The important one

Here you will put everything related to your project.


Any executables found here will be run when you launch your container, before running the command you ask.


Executables here will be aggregated with those in /opt/odoo/common/build.d.

The resulting set of executables will then be sorted alphabetically (ascending) and then subsequently run.


Files here will be environment-variable-expanded and concatenated in /opt/odoo/auto/odoo.conf in the entrypoint.


It must follow the same structure as a standard ~/.ssh directory, including config and known_hosts files. In fact, it is completely equivalent to ~root/.ssh.

The config file can contain IdentityFile keys to represent the private key that should be used for that host. Unless specified otherwise, this defaults to identity[.pub], id_rsa[.pub] or id_dsa[.pub] files found in this same directory.

This is very useful to use deployment keys that grant git access to your private repositories.

Example - a private key file in the ssh folder named my_private_key for the host repo.example.com would have a config entry similar to the below:

Host repo.example.com
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_private_key

Or you could just drop the key in id_rsa and id_rsa.pub files and it should work by default without the need of adding a config file.

Host key checking is enabled by default, which means that you also need to provide a known_hosts file for any repos that you wish to access via SSH.

In order to disable host key checks for a repo, your config would look something like this:

Host repo.example.com
  StrictHostKeyChecking no

For additional information regarding this directory, take a look at this [Digital Ocean Article][ssh-conf].


Here you will put the actual source code for your project.

When putting code here, you can either:

Recommendation: use repos.yaml for everything except for private, and ignore in your .gitignore and .dockerignore files every folder here except private, with rules like these:


REQUIRED. The source code for your odoo project.

You can choose your Odoo version, and even merge PRs from many of them using repos.yaml. Some versions you might consider:


REQUIRED. Folder with private addons for the project.


A git-aggregator configuration file.

It should look similar to this:

# Odoo must be in the `odoo` folder for Doodba to work
    # This will use git shallow clones.
    # $DEPTH_DEFAULT is 1 in test and prod, but 100 in devel.
    # $DEPTH_MERGE is always 100.
    # You can use any integer value, OTOH.
    depth: $DEPTH_MERGE
    origin: https://github.com/OCA/OCB.git
    odoo: https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git
    openupgrade: https://github.com/OCA/OpenUpgrade.git
  # $ODOO_VERSION is... the Odoo version! "11.0" or similar
  target: origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - odoo refs/pull/25594/head # Expose `Field` from search_filters.js

    depth: $DEPTH_MERGE
    origin: https://github.com/OCA/web.git
    tecnativa: https://github.com/Tecnativa/partner-contact.git
  target: origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - origin refs/pull/1007/head # web_responsive search
    - tecnativa 11.0-some_addon-custom # Branch for this customer only
Automatic download of repos

Doodba is smart enough to download automatically git repositories even if they are missing in repos.yaml. It will happen if it is used in addons.yaml, except for the special private repo. This will help you keep your deployment definitions DRY.

You can configure this behavior with these environment variables (default values shown):

As you probably guessed, we use something like str.format(repo_basename) on top of those variables to compute the default remote origin. If, i.e., you want to use your own repositories as default remotes, just add these build arguments to your docker-compose.yaml file:

# [...]
        DEFAULT_REPO_PATTERN: &origin "https://github.com/Tecnativa/{}.git"
# [...]

So, for example, if your repos.yaml file is empty and your addons.yaml contains this:

  - module_auto_update

A /opt/odoo/auto/repos.yaml file with this will be generated and used to download git code:

    depth: $DEPTH_DEFAULT
    origin: https://github.com/OCA/OCB.git
  target: origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - origin $ODOO_VERSION
    depth: $DEPTH_DEFAULT
    origin: https://github.com/OCA/server-tools.git
  target: origin $ODOO_VERSION
    - origin $ODOO_VERSION

All of this means that, you only need to define the git aggregator spec in repos.yaml if anything diverges from the standard:


One entry per repo and addon you want to activate in your project. Like this:

  - website_cookie_notice
  - website_legal_page
  - web_responsive

Advanced features:

The following example shows these advanced features:

# Spanish Localization
  - l10n_es # Overrides built-in l10n_es under odoo/addons
  - "*date*" # All modules that contain "date" in their name
  - auditlog
  - "*" # All web addons
# Different YAML document to separate SEO Tools
  - website_blog_excertp_img
server-tools: # Here we repeat server-tools, but no problem because it's a
  # different document
  - html_image_url_extractor
  - html_text
# Enable demo ribbon only for devel and test environments
  PGDATABASE: # This environment variable must exist and be in the list
    - devel
    - test
  - web_environment_ribbon
# Enable special authentication methods only in production environment
    - prod
  - auth_*
# Custom repositories
  DEFAULT_REPO_PATTERN: https://github.com/Tecnativa/{}.git
  ODOO_VERSION: 16.0-new-feature
some-repo: # Cloned from https://github.com/Tecnativa/some-repo.git branch 15.0-new-feature
  - some_custom_module

Files to indicate dependencies of your subimage, one for each of the supported package managers:

/opt/odoo/common: The useful one

This folder is full of magic. I'll document it some day. For now, just look at the code.

Only some notes:

/opt/odoo/auto: The automatic one

This directory will have things that are automatically generated at build time.


It will be full of symlinks to the addons you selected in addons.yaml.


It will have the result of merging all configurations under /opt/odoo/{common,custom}/conf.d/, in that order.

The Dockerfile

I will document all build arguments and environment variables some day, but for now keep this in mind:

Bundled tools

There is a good collections of tools available in the image that help dealing with Odoo and its peculiarities:


A handy CLI tool to automate addon management based on the current environment. It allows you to install, update, test and/or list private, extra and/or core addons available to current container, based on current addons.yaml configuration.

Call addons --help for usage instructions.

click-odoo and related scripts

The great click-odoo scripting framework and the collection of scripts found in click-odoo-contrib are included. Refer to their sites to know how to use them.

* Note: This replaces the deprecated python-odoo-shell binary.


The CLI text editor we all know, just in case you need to inspect some bug in hot deployments.


Just a little shell script that you can use to add logs to your build or entrypoint scripts:

log INFO I'm informing


Little shell shortcut for exporting a translation template from any addon(s). Usage:

pot my_addon,my_other_addon


Environment variables are there so that if you need to connect with the database, you just need to execute:

docker-compose run -l traefik.enable=false --rm odoo psql

The same is true for any other [Postgres client applications][].


Enables hot code reloading when odoo is started with --dev and passed reload or all as an argument.

copier template enables this by default in the development environment.

Doodba supports this feature under versions 11.0 and later. Check CLI docs for details.


VSCode debugger. If you use this editor with its python module, you will find it useful.

To debug at a certain point of the code, add this Python code somewhere:

import debugpy
print("Waiting for debugger attach")
print('break on this line')

To start Odoo within a debugpy environment, which will obey the breakpoints established in your IDE (but will work slowly), just add -e DEBUGPY_ENABLE=1 to your odoo container.

If you use the official template, you can boot it in debugpy mode with:

docker-compose -f devel.yaml up -d

Of course, you need to have properly configured your VSCode. To do so, make sure in your project there is a .vscode/launch.json file with these minimal contents:

  "version": "0.2.0",
  "configurations": [
      "name": "Attach to debug in devel.yaml",
      "type": "python",
      "request": "attach",
      "pathMappings": [
          "localRoot": "${workspaceRoot}/odoo",
          "remoteRoot": "/opt/odoo"
      "port": 6899,
      "host": "localhost"

Then, execute that configuration as usual.


This is another great debugger that includes remote debugging via telnet, which can be useful for some cases, or for people that prefer it over wdb.

To use it, inject this in any Python script:

import pudb.remote
pudb.remote.set_trace(term_size=(80, 24))

Then open a telnet connection to it (running in by default).

It is safe to use in production environments if you know what you are doing and do not expose the debugging port to attackers. Usage:

docker-compose exec odoo telnet localhost 6899


We found this one to be the most useful tool for downlading code, merging it and placing it somewhere.


This little script wraps git-aggregator to make it work fine and automatically with this image. Used in the template's setup-devel.yaml step.

Example repos.yaml file

This repos.yaml example merges several sources:

    # Shallow repositores are faster & thinner. You better use
    # $DEPTH_DEFAULT here when you need no merges.
    depth: $DEPTH_MERGE
    ocb: https://github.com/OCA/OCB.git
    odoo: https://github.com/odoo/odoo.git
  target: ocb $ODOO_VERSION
    - ocb $ODOO_VERSION
    - odoo refs/pull/13635/head
    # Useful to merge a diff when there's no git history correlation
    - curl -sSL https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/37187.diff | patch -fp1


We set an $OPENERP_SERVER environment variable pointing to the autogenerated configuration file so you don't have to worry about it. Just execute odoo and it will work fine.

Note that version 9.0 has an odoo binary to provide forward compatibility (but it has the odoo.py one too).

Subproject template

That's a big structure! Get it up and running quickly using the copier template we provide to help you generate your subproject.

Check its docs to know how to use it.


Will there be not retrocompatible changes on the image?

This image is production-ready, but it is constantly evolving too, so some new features can break some old ones, or conflict with them, and some old features might get deprecated and removed at some point.

The best you can do is to subscribe to the compatibility breakage announcements issue.

This project is too opinionated, but can I question any of those opinions?

Of course. There's no guarantee that we will like it, but please do it. :wink:

What's this hooks folder here?

It runs triggers when doing the automatic build in the Docker Hub. Check this.

How can I pin an image version?

Version-pinning is a good idea to keep your code from differing among image updates. It's the best way to ensure no updates got in between the last time you checked the image and the time you deploy it to production.

You can do it through its sha256 code.

Get any image's code through inspect, running from a computer where the correct image version is downloaded:

docker image inspect --format='{{.RepoDigests}}' tecnativa/doodba:10.0-onbuild

Alternatively, you can browse this image's builds, click on the one you know it works fine for you, and search for the digest word using your browser's search in page system (Ctrl+F usually).

You will find lines similar to:

10.0: digest: sha256:fba69478f9b0616561aa3aba4d18e4bcc2f728c9568057946c98d5d3817699e1 size: 4508
8.0: digest: sha256:27a3dd3a32ce6c4c259b4a184d8db0c6d94415696bec6c2668caafe755c6445e size: 4508
9.0: digest: sha256:33a540eca6441b950d633d3edc77d2cc46586717410f03d51c054ce348b2e977 size: 4508

Once you find them, you can use that pinned version in your builds, using a Dockerfile similar to this one:

# Hash-pinned version of tecnativa/doodba:10.0-onbuild
FROM tecnativa/doodba@sha256:fba69478f9b0616561aa3aba4d18e4bcc2f728c9568057946c98d5d3817699e1

How can I help?

Just head to our project and open a discussion, issue or pull request.

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[compose_file environment variable]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/reference/envvars/#/composefile

[pip requirements.txt]: https://pip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/#requirements-files [postgres client applications]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/reference-client.html

[ssh-conf]: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-configure-custom-connection-options-for-your-ssh-client