Tecnativa / doodba

Base image for making the creation of customized Odoo environments a piece of cake
Apache License 2.0
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Cannot build doodba 10.0-onbuild #594

Closed manuel-florido closed 4 months ago

manuel-florido commented 7 months ago


I am trying to build doodba:10.0-onbuild image because I have a historical Odoo v.10.

I tried adding the "10-add-jessie_backport" from this issue, downloading a previous commit and I modified the Dockerfile adding:

When I build the image (docker build . -t localdoodba:v10) I get this error with the bin-deprecated/install.sh file:

The following packages have unmet dependencies: libpq-dev : Depends: libpq5 (= 14.5-1.pgdg90+1) but 9.4.26-0+deb8u1 is to be installed.

I attached the files that I am using (Dockerfile, install.sh and 100-add-jessie_backport). filesv10.zip

Is there a way for use the Doodba v10.0-onbuild image?

Thank you!

sergio-teruel commented 7 months ago

Hi @mfloridosygel With this file would be work fine

# First remove sources
sed -i '/deb http:\/\/deb.debian.org\/debian jessie main/d' /etc/apt/sources.list
sed -i '/deb http:\/\/security.debian.org\/debian-security jessie\/updates main/d' /etc/apt/sources.list

# Second add archive sources
echo "deb [check-valid-until=no] http://archive.debian.org/debian jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie.list
echo "deb [check-valid-until=no] http://archive.debian.org/debian-security jessie/updates main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie.list

# PostgreSql repositories
# First one removes the current line
echo "deb https://apt-archive.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt jessie-pgdg-archive main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list
# Second one appends
echo "deb-src https://apt-archive.postgresql.org/pub/repos/apt jessie-pgdg-archive main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/postgresql.list

apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
manuel-florido commented 7 months ago

Hi @sergio-teruel ,

Where should I put this file? It overwrites 10-add-jessie_backport?

Finally one more question, should I use the modified files that I attached or should I download again this commit?

Thanks you

sergio-teruel commented 7 months ago

Sorry!!! Put this file in odoo>custom>build.d folder and you can name a file like 05-update-debian-repos

manuel-florido commented 7 months ago

Hello @sergio-teruel ,

First of all sorry for the delay.

I was testing your solution but It did not work for me, so I used your repositories directly in my Dockerfile and It worked until It reach the line 83: RUN gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-update-sources autoprefixer-rails --version '<9.8.6' \ && gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri --no-update-sources bootstrap-sass --version '<3.4' \ && rm -Rf ~/.gem /var/lib/gems/*/cache/

The error is: ERROR: Error installing autoprefixer-rails: execjs requires Ruby version >= 2.5.0.

If I remove these lines It builds correctly. Can I use the image without these lines?

Here you have my Dockerfile Dockerfile.zip

Thank you!