Tek-Pheed / AREA

Application de configuration d'action réaction
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{E} - AREA

This project consists in creating a website and a mobile application in order to combine pairs of actions and reactions on different APIs such as Spotify, Twitch, etc...

For this project, we have chosen the following languages and framework :

For this project, we have chosen the following list of APIs:

Project architecture

Our project is composed of 4 distinct services:

How to launch the project?

There are two ways to launch our project:

docker-compose up --force-recreate --no-deps --build

This docker command will build all our project's services and put the result on a shared volume for you to launch.


You will find below links to our documentation which are either readme or online documentation of our services.


We also have several CIs / CDs for each service.

The pipelines are complete CI/CDs including a build test, unit tests with coverage available in the comments of each commit and some have a deployment action on remote SFTP servers.

Compilations are just a basic build test.

Testing for docker and a test of docker-compose and whether it can be launched.

Finally, the upload code sends the master content to the epitech rendering repo.

Unit testing

This project includes unit tests for each service.

You'll find the commands you need to run them in the documentation.

These unit tests generate coverage.

We have set ourselves a target of 80% coverage for the entire project.

