Telefonica / webview-bridge

Novum JavaScript Bridge
MIT License
26 stars 7 forks source link

GitHub tag License CI status

JavaScript library to access to native functionality. Requires a webview with a postMessage bridge.

Library size ~1.2 Kb (min + gzip)

AMD, UMD, IIFE, ES Module builds available (see package dist folder). Open an issue if you need a different build.



We recommend to manage your dependencies using npm or yarn and use a bundler like webpack or parcel. Once configured, you can use ES imports.

Install using npm:

npm i @tef-novum/webview-bridge

Install using yarn:

yarn add @tef-novum/webview-bridge

Import required function and use it:

import {setWebViewTitle} from '@tef-novum/webview-bridge';

setWebViewTitle('Hello, world');


Alternatively, you can import the library directly from a CDN:

<script src=""></script>

    webviewBridge.setWebViewTitle('Hello, world');



Returns true if WebView Bridge is available. Use this function to implement fallbacks in case the bridge is not available.

isWebViewBridgeAvailable: () => boolean;

Inside an iframe

By default, the bridge will be disabled inside an iframe. If you want to enable it, add a data-enable-webview-bridge attribute to the host iframe element.


if (isWebViewBridgeAvailable()) {
    nativeAlert('Hello'); // use bridge
} else {
    myCustomAlert('Hello'); // use alternative implementation

You may want to detect if the page is displayed inside a regular browser or an Android or iOS WebView.

/** Returns true if application is running inside a Novum App WebView */
const isWebView = () => isWebViewBridgeAvailable();

/** Returns true if application is running inside a Novum App WebView running on Android */
const isAndroidWebView = () =>
    isWebViewBridgeAvailable() && navigator.userAgent.includes('Android');

/** Returns true if application is running inside a Novum App WebView running on iOS */
const isIOSWebView = () =>
    isWebViewBridgeAvailable() && !navigator.userAgent.includes('Android');


Show native picker UI in order to let the user select a contact.

requestContact: ({filter?: 'phone' | 'email'}) => Promise<{
    name?: string;
    email?: string;
    phoneNumber?: string;
    address?: {
        street?: string;
        city?: string;
        country?: string;
        postalCode?: string;

All fields in response object are optional


requestContact({filter: 'phone'}).then((contact) => {
}).catch(err => {


Inserts an event in calendar

createCalendarEvent: ({
    beginTime: number,
    endTime: number,
    title: string
}) => Promise<void>;

beginTime and endTime are timestamps with millisecond precision


    beginTime: new Date(2019, 10, 06).getTime(),
    endTime: new Date(2019, 10, 07).getTime(),
    title: "Peter's birthday",
}).then(() => {
    console.log('event created');
}).catch(err => {


App version >=10.7

Invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device.

type ShareOptions =
    | {
          text: string;
    | {
          url: string;
          fileName: string;
          text?: string;

share: (options: ShareOptions) => Promise<void>;


// sharing a text string
share({text: 'Hello, world!'});

// sharing a file
share({url: 'https://path/to/file', fileName: 'lolcats.png'});


App version >= 10.7: Partial support
App version >= 11.8: expandedTitle
App version >= 14.8: Additional properties and deprecations

Customize WebView NavigationBar properties. You can set one or more properties in a single call

type NavigationBarIcon = {
    /** Content description of the image used for accessibility */
    name: string;
     * This is a string whose value will be mapped to a local resource that the app already knows.
     * See for available values.
     * A fallback icon will be used if the app doesn't recognize the value.
    iconEnum?: string;
     * Set of urls that the app will use to render the icon.
     * If both iconEnum and icon are received, the iconEnum should be used as a fallback in case there's some issue with the urls.
    icon?: {
         * Those urls should be icons in PNG format.
         * The icons will not be rendered until the image has been downloaded by the app.
         * The URLs should be inmutable to allow the app to cache those icons for an arbitrary amount of time.
        url: string;
        /** To be used if present when dark mode is activated. */
        urlDark?: string;
    badge?: {
         * Boolean to determine if the badge should be shown
         * If `show` is `true` and number and nativeLogic are not present, the badge will be shown as a dot
        show: boolean;
        /** Same logic and current same supported values as in nativeLogic field from API */
        nativeLogic?: 'INBOX' | 'PROFILE';
        /** Hardcoded value to set as the badge count. It will have more priority than nativeLogic. */
        number?: number;
     * Tracking properties to be sent to analytics when the icon is clicked.
     * These properties will be merged to the tracking event produced by the native side
    trackingProperties?: Record<string, string>;

updateNavigationBar = ({
    title?: string;
    expandedTitle?: string;
    showBackButton?: boolean;
    showReloadButton?: boolean;
    showProfileButton?: boolean; // deprecated in app version >= 14.8
    backgroundColor?: string;
    leftActions?: ReadonlyArray<NavigationBarIcon>; // requires app version >= 14.8
    rightActions?: ReadonlyArray<NavigationBarIcon>; // requires app version >= 14.8
    colorVariant?: 'INVERSE' | 'REGULAR' | null; // requires app version >= 14.8
    resetToDefaultState?: boolean; // requires app version >= 14.8
}) => Promise<void>


// updates WebView NavigationBar title
updateNavigationBar({title: 'Hello, World!'});

// full featured example
    title: 'Hello',
    expandedTitle: 'Hello, World!',
    showBackButton: true,
    showReloadButton: false,
    backgroundColor: '#FF0000',
    leftNavigationIcons: [
            name: 'icon name',
            iconEnum: 'SOME_ICON',
            badge: {
                show: true,
                nativeLogic: 'INBOX',
    rightNavigationIcons: [
            name: 'icon name',
            iconEnum: 'icon enum value',
            icon: {
                url: 'https://path/to/icon',
                urlDark: 'https://path/to/icon/dark',
            badge: {
                show: true,
                number: 1,
    resetToDefaultState: true,
    trackingProperties?: {'name': 'some icon clicked'},


App version >=14.8

Listen to navigation bar icon clicks and execute a callback function

React example

React.useEffect(() => {
    const unsubscribe = onNavigationBarIconClicked(({id}) => {
        console.log(`Icon with id ${id} clicked`);

    // Unsubscribe when the component is unmounted
    return () => {
}, []);


App version >=10.8

Returns true if A/B testing named with the key is available.

isABTestingAvailable: (key: string) => Promise<boolean>;


App version >=24.6 destructive support.

Show a native confirm dialog.

If the bridge is not present (eg. showing the page in browser), fallbacks to a browser confirm.

nativeConfirm: ({
    message: string;
    title?: string;
    acceptText: string;
    cancelText: string;
    destructive?: boolean;
}) => Promise<boolean>;


    title: 'Confirm',
    message: 'Send message?',
    acceptText: 'Yes',
    cancelText: 'No',
}).then((res) => {
    if (res) {
        console.log('message sent');


Show a native alert dialog.

If the bridge is not present (eg. showing the page in browser), fallbacks to a browser alert.

nativeAlert: ({
    message: string;
    title?: string;
    buttonText: string;
}) => Promise<void>;


App version >=14.10 withDismiss, duration and action in response.

App version >=24.6 buttonAccessibilityLabel support.

Show a native snackbar message. Use it to display feedback messages.

If the bridge is not present (eg. showing the page in browser), fallbacks to a browser alert.

nativeMessage: ({
        message: string;
        duration?: 'PERSISTENT';
        buttonText?: string;
        buttonAccessibilityLabel?: string;
        type?: 'INFORMATIVE' | 'CRITICAL' | 'SUCCESS';
        withDismiss?: boolean;
}) => Promise<{


Show a native Snackbar with button

    message: 'Operation finished!',
    buttonText: 'Ok',
}).then((res) => {
    if (res.action === 'BUTTON') {
        console.log('Button clicked');
    console.log('Snackbar closed');


Log an event to firebase

logEvent: ({
    category: string; // Typically the object that was interacted with (e.g. 'Video')
    action: string; // The type of interaction (e.g. 'play')
    label?: string; // Useful for categorizing events (e.g. 'Fall Campaign')
    value?: number; // A numeric value associated with the event (e.g. 43)
}) => Promise<void>;

If you want to use new Google Analytics 4 event format you can use this method too:

logEvent: ({
    name: string; // The event name is mandatory
    [key: string]: any; // You can set any other event parameters
}, {
    sanitize?: boolean; // Whether to sanitize the event params, this only affects to FirebaseEvents. true by default.
}) => Promise<void>;


    category: 'topup-flow',
    action: 'topup',
}).then(() => {
    console.log('event logged');

// Or with GA4 format
    name: 'user_interaction',
    component_type: 'primary_button',
    component_copy: 'topup',
}).then(() => {
    console.log('event logged');

About event params sanitization

By default, GA4 event params are sanitized. The sanitization consists of removing whitespaces and some special characters, lowercasing and trimming. This allows us having a consistent event format accross events.

In some cases you may want to disable this behavior. To do so, you can set the sanitize option to false:

logEvent(yourEvent, {sanitize: false});


Log the current screen name (or page name) to firebase

setScreenName: (screenName: string, params?: {[key: string]: any}) => Promise<void>;


Set a user property to firebase

setUserProperty: (name: string, value: string) => Promise<void>;


App version >=11.2

Report a given feature status

reportStatus: ({feature: 'ACCOUNT', status: 'CRITICAL' | 'GOOD' | 'BAD', reason: string}) => Promise<void>;


App version >=11.3

Listens to native app events

type NativeEventHandler = ({ event }: {event: string}) => {action: 'default'};

onNativeEvent: (handler: NativeEventHandler) => () => void;


onNativeEvent(({event}) => {
    if (event === 'tappedNavigationBarBackButton') {
        // do something
    return {action: 'default'};

Available events


App version >=11.4

Returns true if the app has the specific notifications permissions. You have to pass feature and required params for this request.

Avalaible features:

checkPermissionStatus: (feature: string, params?: {[key: string]: string}) => Promise<boolean>;


checkPermissionStatus('notifications', {channelId: 'default'}).then(
    (hasPermissions) => {


App version >=11.4

Init an internal and native navigation to a device specific feature

Avalaible features:

internalNavigation: (feature: string) => Promise<void>;


App version >=11.5

Dismiss the current webview and optionally navigate to another url

dismiss: (onCompletionUrl?: string) => Promise<void>;


Requests the phone to vibrate. Options are 'error' or 'success'.



Returns contacts info given an array of phone numbers.

fetchContactsByPhone: (phoneNumbers: Array<string>) => Promise<Array<{
    phoneNumber: string;
    firstName?: string;
    middleName?: string;
    lastName?: string;
    encodedAvatar?: string;


App version >=11.8

Check if an app is installed in the phone

getAppMetadata: (appToken: string) => Promise<{
    isInstalled: boolean;
    marketUrl: string;
    appUrl: string


App version >=11.10

Return info about how much free disk space the device has

getDiskSpaceInfo: () => Promise<{availableBytes: number, totalBytes: number}>;


App version >=12.3 supportsEsim
App version >=14.8 eid

Return info about the esim capabilities of the device

getEsimInfo: () => Promise<{supportsEsim: boolean, eid?: string | null}>;


App version >=14.8

Returns the device model, like "SAMSUNG-SM-G930A", "iPhone9", ...

getDeviceModel: () => Promise<{model: string} | null>;


App version >=12.4

Sets a property related to some specific tracking system

setTrackingProperty: (system: 'palitagem' | 'medallia', name: string, value?: string) => Promise<void>;


App version >=12.7

Method that allows defining an specific behavior (such as showing a confirmation) before the specific native actions are executed. This method also allows disabling any previous behaviors set.

type ActionBehavior =
    | {
        behavior: 'confirm';
        title: string;
        message: string;
        acceptText: string;
        cancelText: string;
    | {
        behavior: 'default';
    | {
        behavior: 'cancel';

setActionBehavior: (actions: {webviewClose?: ActionBehavior, navigationBack?: ActionBehavior}) => Promise<void>;

navigationBack and webviewClose actions are currently available:

Both have same allowed json parameters, and 3 allowed behaviors:

Actions can be optionally included in the payload. Any not included action won’t change its current behavior set.

All actions behaviors will be automatically set to default on full page loads.


Tell the app to renew the session.

renewSession = (
    oldAccessToken: string | null,
    options: {timeout?: number} = {},
) => Promise<string>


Defines a callback that will be executed when the native app renews the session. Returns the unsubscribe function.

onSessionRenewed = (
    handler: (newAccessToken: string) => void,
) => (() => void)


A method that requests a user logout.

logout = () => Promise<{success: boolean}>


Returns the Topaz token.

getTopazToken = (options: {timeout?: number} = {}) => Promise<{token: string}>


Show native app rating dialog

showAppRating = () => Promise<void>


App version >=13.8

Show native bottom sheet UI

bottomSheet = (payload: SheetUI) => Promise<SheetResponse>
// see SheetUI and SheetResponse types

:warning: If you try to call this method repeatedly while a sheet is already being opened (for example, user accidental double tap), it will throw an Error with code 423 (Locked)

There are some specific cases of bottom sheet, and we have some utility methods to make them simpler to use:

For single selection use bottomSheetSingleSelector:

bottomSheetSingleSelector = ({
    title?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    description?: string;
    selectedId?: string;
    items: Array<SheetRowItem>;
}) => Promise<{action: 'SUBMIT' | 'DISMISS'; selectedId: string}>

For a bottom sheet with a list of actions use bottomSheetActionSelector:

bottomSheetActionSelector = ({
    title?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    description?: string;
    items: Array<SheetActionItem>;
}) => Promise<{action: 'SUBMIT' | 'DISMISS'; selectedId: string}>

For an informative bottom sheet use bottomSheetInfo:

bottomSheetInfo = ({
    title?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    description?: string;
    items: Array<SheetInfoItem>;
}) => Promise<void>

For a bottom sheet with ButtonPrimary/ButtonSecondary/ButtonLink use bottomSheetActions App version >=14.8:

bottomSheetActions = ({
    title?: string;
    subtitle?: string;
    description?: string;
    button: {
        text: string;
    secondaryButton?: {
        text: string;
    link?: {
        text: string;
        withChevron?: boolean;
}) => Promise<{action: 'PRIMARY' | 'SECONDARY' | 'LINK' | 'DISMISS'}>


const {action, selected} = await bottomSheetSingleSelector({
    title: 'Some title',
    subtitle: 'Some subtitle',
    description: 'Some description',
    selectedId: 'item-1',
    items: [
            id: 'item-0',
            title: 'item 0 title',
            description: 'item 0 description',
            id: 'item-1',
            title: 'item 1 title',
            description: 'item 1 description',
            id: 'item-2',
            title: 'item 2 title',
            description: 'item 2 description',


App version >=13.10

Fetch all the phone numbers of the native phonebook

fetchPhoneNumbers:() => Promise<Array<{
    id: string;
    value: string;


App version >=13.10

Updates the given phone numbers in the native phonebook

    id: string;
    value: string;
}>) => Promise<Void>;


Method that allows WebView to highlight a home tab bar setting a badge (numeric or not)

highlightNavigationTab: ({
    tab: string,
    highlight: boolean,
    count?: number
}) => Promise<void>;


App version >=14.7 (iOS)

Method that allows a WebView to ask an iOS app user about the authorization status of his ATT (App Tracking Transparency) permission.

Resolves to null if the app is not running on iOS or if the method is not available

getAttStatus: () => Promise<{status:'granted' | 'denied' | 'unknown'} | null>;


App version >=14.11

Obtain metainformation about the current device data network connectivity

getNetworkConnectionInfo: () => Promise<{
    connectionType: 'MOBILE' | 'WIFI ' | 'OTHER' | 'NONE';
        | '2G'
        | '3G'
        | '4G'
        | '5G'
        | 'OTHER'
        | null;
    mobileCarrier?: string | null;
        | 'NONE'
        | 'POOR'
        | 'MODERATE'
        | 'GOOD'
        | 'GREAT'
        | null;


App version >=24.2

Check if the pincode is enabled or not

getPincodeInfo: () => Promise<{
    status: 'enabled' | 'disabled'


App version >=14.9

Read current profile picture

getProfileImage: () => Promise<{
    image: string | null


App version >=14.9

Starts the native flow to change the profile picture

startProfileImageFlow: () => Promise<{
    image: string | null;
    isCancelled: boolean;


App version >=24.3

Get device TAC identifier.

getDeviceTac: () => Promise<{
    tac: string | null


App version >=24.4

Triggers pin/biometric authentication if necessary, taking into account 3 possible scenarios:

triggerPinOrBiometricAuthentication: ({
    maxSecondsSinceLastValidation: number
}) => Promise<{

Error handling

If an uncontrolled error occurs, promise will be rejected with an error object:

{code: number, description: string}


To inspect the bridge traffic, you can use the setLogger method:

setLogger((...args) => console.log(...args));


Opens the app Onboarding (as if it where the first time the user logs in)

openOnboarding = () => Promise<void>


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.