TelemedDevGroup / TelemedProtoApp

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Telemedicine Application Prototype

This is a repository for both backend and frontend layers of Telemedicine App Prototype


Development Board can be found here

Demo Site (CI/CD)

Running Demo can be found here:

For the development firstly please import required Java and JavaScript code styles (exported from IntellijIDEA as an .xml file) from the project root - code_style_java.xml and code_style_javascript.xml.


Back Configuration

For local development please create file application-local.yaml alongside application.yaml and define personal application properties for example twilio API keys. You can use application-local.yml.example as an example.

As you defined any local properties please run backend service with local profile.

This file must not be pushed to the repository (preferably it should be added to .gitignore or moved another changelist).

Back Local installation

  1. Install MySQL with default values and create schema telemedicine_demo
  2. Update application-local.yml file with all the required keys (e.g. client id and secret for oauth or twilio clients). Also, please update credentials for database connection if you set different ones when installed database (username and password in datasource section) .
  3. Install Maven and Java (mvn and java have to be found on OS path)
  4. Run following command from the root of the project: mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=local
  5. Profit - application is running on http://localhost:5000


Front Configuration

For local development go to frontend folder as UI project directory.

Create file .env.development with links to the backend and redirect URL for OAuth2 auth. You can use .env.development.example as an example environment properties file.

After that you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.