Temechon / bGUI

A Babylon.js extension to create a game GUI
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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bGUI is now obsolete due to the implementation of Canvas2D in Babylon.js 2.4. This library is then no longer maintenaned and/or developped.


A Babylon.js extension to create a GUI

What ?

bGUI is an extension for the 3D engine Babylon.js providing a set of tools and class to display a game GUI directly into your Babylon 3D game, without any HTML/CSS.

Why ? I can use HTML/CSS to do that !

The only solution (for now) to deploy a babylon.js game on mobile platforms (Android/iOS - Windows Phone supports Webgl application natively) is to use Cocoon.js provided by Ludei, with the technology Canvas+ (Webview+ is not so great in term of performance for 3D scenes). However, Canvas+ does not support DOM elements, such as div, img, ... The only solution is to create the GUI directly in the HTML canvas. That's what bGUI do !

This library can also fit to some people who want to control the game GUI in javascript without the need of jQuery or manipulating DOM objects.

How does it work ?

bGUI adds automatically to your game an orthographic camera correctly configured (according to the canvas size and the device pixel ratio), and gives you several classes to create your game GUI. A GUIObject is the root class of bGUI, and represents a 3D object (sphere, plane, cube, custom object, ...) translated into the GUI world, and removed from your game world.

bGUI gives you 2 specific classes in order to create HUD easily :

Is it easy to use ?

Of course ! First, you have to create a GUISystem, which represents your GUI world. It takes 3 parameters: the Babylon scene where the GUI will be created, and the width and the height of your GUI (in pixels).

var gui = new bGUI.GUISystem(scene, 1200, 780);

Now your GUI is created, you can create a new panel like this:

var headTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("assets/head.png", scene);
var head = new bGUI.GUIPanel("head", headTexture, null, gui);

A GUIPanel takes 4 parameters :

bGUI provides a set of methods to update the position of the panel, 3 actually :

You can also use a direct reference to the BABYLON mesh used for any GUIObject. This way, you can use Babylon animations to update your panel for example.

You can read all the documentation here.

Any dependencies ?

bGUI depends on babylon.js (from v2.1-beta), and hand.js for touch events.

Is a demo available somewhere ?

Yes : http://temechon.github.io/bGUI/ Try to click on the images :)

Is there any documentation ?

Yes : bGUI documentation on official babylon website

Copyright ?


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npm debug

Create the full minified version of bgui

npm build