TenType / discord-rich-presence

A lightweight and safe package for creating custom rich presences on Discord.
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link
discord discord-rich-presence discord-rpc rich-presence


A lightweight and safe package for creating custom rich presences on Discord.


Discord Rich Presence Example\ (See examples/complex.py for the source code)

How to Use

Making a Discord App

  1. Create an app by clicking "New Application" in the Discord Developers Portal.
  2. Give your app a name and an icon (this can be changed later). Make sure to save your changes.
    • Optional: Go to "Rich Presence", and add a few images under the "Rich Presence Assets" section.
  3. Under "Application Id" in the "General Information" tab, copy your app's id.


  1. Install the latest version of Python if you haven't already.
  2. Run the following in your terminal:
    pip install discord-rich-presence

    If all goes well, it should say something like "Successfully installed discord-rich-presence".

Writing the Code

  1. Create a file ending in .py, and paste in the following example from examples/simple.py:
    from discordrp import Presence
    import time

client_id = "000000000000000000" # Replace this with your own client id

with Presence(client_id) as presence: print("Connected") presence.set( { "state": "In Game", "details": "Summoner's Rift", "timestamps": {"start": int(time.time())}, } ) print("Presence updated")

while True:

Make sure you replace the `client_id` variable with your app's id that you copied earlier.

7. Run the program! You should now see that you have a rich presence on your profile that will be on until you stop the program! See [examples/complex.py](examples/complex.py) for another example with buttons and images.

## Methods
Here are the methods on a `Presence` instance:
- `presence.set(activity)`: Sets the current activity using a dictionary representing a [Discord activity object](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object).
- `presence.clear()`: Clears the current activity.
- `presence.close()`: Closes the current connection. This method is automatically called when the program exits using the `with` statement.

## Troubleshooting
Here are the most common errors:
- **`ActivityError`**: An incorrect dictionary was passed to `presence.set`. Make sure that it matches the [format expected by Discord](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/gateway-events#activity-object).
- **`ClientIDError`**: Verify that your client ID is valid and you are passing in the client ID to `Presence` as a string.
- **`PresenceError`**: Read the [Discord docs](https://discord.com/developers/docs/topics/opcodes-and-status-codes#rpc) for more information.
- **`ConnectionRefusedError` or `FileNotFoundError`**: Make sure that your Discord application is open and logged in.
- **Program hangs for a long time and does not set the presence**: Wait for at least 10 seconds before closing and trying again.