Tencent / TencentKonaSMSuite

Tencent Kona SM Suite contains a set of Java security providers, which support algorithms SM2, SM3 and SM4, and protocols TLCP/GMSSL, TLS 1.3 (with RFC 8998) and TLS 1.2.
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gmssl pki sm2 sm3 sm4 tlcp tls

Release Maven Central

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Tencent Kona SM Suite


Tencent Kona SM Suite is a set of Java security providers, which service the ShangMi applications in Java ecosystem. This suite contains four providers:

This project provides a Spring Boot module, exactly [kona-demo], as a server-side demo. This module demonstrates the approach on integrating Tencent Kona SM Suite to the 3rd-party web servers, including Jetty and Tomcat. But this module is not one of the artifacts of this project. In addition, [the test set] in kona-ssl module provides the demon on integrating with Netty, gRPC, Apache HttpClient and OkHttp.

System requirements

Operating systems

Tencent Kona SM Suite is 100% Java-coded, so it can run on any operating systems that can run JDK.


Tencent Kona SM Suite supports all the JDK long-term supported (LTS) releases, namely 8, 11, 17 and 21.

Please note Tencent Kona SM Suite is already signed by Oracle-issued JCE code signing [certificate], so it also can run on Oracle JDK.

We are pleased to recommend Tencent's OpenJDK distributions, namely Tencent Kona JDKs, which provide versions [8], [11] and [17]. They support Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems, and x86_64 and aarch64 CPUs. The latest Tencent Kona JDK 8 already supports ShangMi algorithms, TLCP and RFC 8998 specification natively.


By default, Tencent Kona SM Suite does not depend on any JDK internal API implementations, so it also can run on Android platform.


All the artifacts (jar files) in Tencent Kona SM Suite are already uploaded to the [Maven Central] repository. Generally, it just needs to declare the artifacts as dependencies in the project build scripts. For example, a [Gradle] script can declare the dependencies as the below,

repositories {

dependencies {

Note that, it is unnecessary to put all the providers into the classpath. Please declare the dependencies as you need. For example, if only need the ShangMi crypto algorithms and want to use provider Kona, the dependency declaration may look like the followings,

dependencies {


Tencent Kona SM Suite uses Gradle to build this project. And the build script uses [Kotlin DSL]. This Gradle project contains four subprojects, namely kona-cryptokona-pkixkona-ssl and kona-provider. They respectively correspond to the four providers, namely KonaCryptoKonaPKIXKonaSSL and Kona.

A typical way to build this project just usts the following command:

./gradlew build

It will compile the source codes, execute unit tests and finally make the jar files. It also can just build a subproject, like the below,

./gradlew :kona-pkix:build


Welcome to evolve and maintain Tencent Kona SM Suite with us together. Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md] for the details on reporting bugs, reporting security vulnerabilities, raising requirements and contributing codes.


Tencent Kona SM Suite is licensed under GNU GPL v2.0 license with classpath exception. For more details, please read the attached license [text].


Q: Why may SM2 Cipher throw exception java.security.InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size or default parameters?
A: Before JDK 8u161, JDKs don't support stronger algorithm and longer key length by default. These JDKs don't support 256-bit key, like AES-256. SM2 encryption algorithm just needs 256-bit keys, so it is also affected by this limit. For the solution details, please refer to this [Stack Overflow question].

Q: Can support ECC_SM4_GCM_SM3 and ECDHE_SM4_GCM_SM3 in TLS 1.2?
A: There is no any RFC specification introducing these cipher suites to TLS 1.2, so it cannot support them in this protocol. However, this project supports TLS_SM4_GCM_SM3 in TLS 1.3 based on RFC 8998.

Q: Is GMSSL or GMSSL 1.1 supported?
A: China's specification GB/T 38636-2020 defined the TLS-liked protocol as Transport layer cryptography protocol, so the protocol name in this project isTLCP, and the version is 1.1. Certainly, TLCP or TLCP 1.1 is GMSSL orGMSSL 1.1.

Q: Why cannot run the tests in this project with Oracle JDK?
A: Oracle JDK requires a JCE implementation (here is KoneCrypto) must be signed and the associated certificate must be issued by Oracle JCE Code Signing CA. When directly executing the tests with the project source, KonaCrypto Provider is not signed yet, so they cannot run on Oracle JDK. But note that, the artifacts in Maven Central repository are already signed and surely can run on Oracle JDK.

Q: Is this project related to BouncyCastle?
A: The earlier versions of this project used the SM algorithms from BouncyCastle, but since version 1.0.5, this project doesn't depend on BouncyCastle anymore. Both of the components comply with China's specification, so they can interoperate with each other. In addition, please note BouncyCastle doesn't support SM protocols, including TLCP and TLS 1.3/RFC 8998.

Q: How old JDK 8 released can be supported?
A: Different scenarios require different JDK 8 releases.

In addition, your problems may be already raised by others. Before open a new issue, please look through the existing [questions].


[JCA]: [KonaCrypto]: [KonaPKIX]: [PEM]: [KonaSSL]: [Kona]: [kona-demo]: [the test set]: [certificate]: [8]: [11]: [17]: [Maven Central]: [Gradle]: [Kotlin DSL]: [CONTRIBUTING.md]: [text]: [Stack Overflow question]: [questions]: