Tencent / libco

libco is a coroutine library which is widely used in wechat back-end service. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013.
8.25k stars 2.08k forks source link


Libco is a c/c++ coroutine library that is widely used in WeChat services. It has been running on tens of thousands of machines since 2013.

By linking with libco, you can easily transform synchronous back-end service into coroutine service. The coroutine service will provide out-standing concurrency compare to multi-thread approach. With the system hook, You can easily coding in synchronous way but asynchronous executed.

You can also use co_create/co_resume/co_yield interfaces to create asynchronous back-end service. These interface will give you more control of coroutines.

By libco copy-stack mode, you can easily build a back-end service support tens of millions of tcp connection.



libco通过仅有的几个函数接口 co_create/co_resume/co_yield 再配合 co_poll,可以支持同步或者异步的写法,如线程库一样轻松。同时库里面提供了socket族函数的hook,使得后台逻辑服务几乎不用修改逻辑代码就可以完成异步化改造。

作者: sunnyxu(sunnyxu@tencent.com), leiffyli(leiffyli@tencent.com), dengoswei@gmail.com(dengoswei@tencent.com), sarlmolchen(sarlmolchen@tencent.com)

PS: 近期将开源PaxosStore,敬请期待。



$ cd /path/to/libco
$ make

or use cmake

$ cd /path/to/libco
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make