Tencent / matrix

Matrix is a plugin style, non-invasive APM system developed by WeChat.
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android apm-client wechat

Matrix-icon license PRs Welcome WeChat Approved CircleCI


Matrix for iOS/macOS 中文版
Matrix for android 中文版
Matrix for iOS/macOS
Matrix for android

Matrix is an APM (Application Performance Manage) used in Wechat to monitor, locate and analyse performance problems. It is a plugin style, non-invasive solution and is currently available on iOS, macOS and Android.

Matrix for iOS/macOS

The monitoring scope of the current tool includes: crash, lag, and memory, which includes the following three plugins:




Getting Started


Start the plugins

In the following places:

Add a code similar to the following to start the plugin:

#import <Matrix/Matrix.h>

Matrix *matrix = [Matrix sharedInstance];
MatrixBuilder *curBuilder = [[MatrixBuilder alloc] init];
curBuilder.pluginListener = self; // get the related event of plugin via the callback of the pluginListener

WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin *crashBlockPlugin = [[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin alloc] init];    
[curBuilder addPlugin:crashBlockPlugin]; // add lag and crash monitor.

WCMemoryStatPlugin *memoryStatPlugin = [[WCMemoryStatPlugin alloc] init];
[curBuilder addPlugin:memoryStatPlugin]; // add memory monitor.

WCFPSMonitorPlugin *fpsMonitorPlugin = [[WCFPSMonitorPlugin alloc] init];
[curBuilder addPlugin:fpsMonitorPlugin]; // add fps monitor.

[matrix addMatrixBuilder:curBuilder];

[crashBlockPlugin start]; // start the lag and crash monitor.
[memoryStatPlugin start]; // start memory monitor
[fpsMonitorPlugin start]; // start fps monitor

Receive callbacks to obtain monitoring data

Set pluginListener of the MatrixBuilder object, implement the MatrixPluginListenerDelegate

// set delegate

MatrixBuilder *curBuilder = [[MatrixBuilder alloc] init];
curBuilder.pluginListener = <object conforms to MatrixPluginListenerDelegate>; 

// MatrixPluginListenerDelegate

- (void)onInit:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onStart:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onStop:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onDestroy:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onReportIssue:(MatrixIssue *)issue;

Each plugin added to MatrixBuilder will call back the corresponding event via pluginListener.

Important: Get the monitoring data of the Matrix via onReportIssue:, the data format info reference to Matrix for iOS/macOS Data Format Description


At this point, Matrix has been integrated into the app and is beginning to collect crash, lag, and memory data. If you still have questions, check out the example: samples/sample-iOS/MatrixDemo.

Matrix for android



APK Checker

Resource Canary

Trace Canary

SQLite Lint

IO Canary

Battery Canary

Memory Hook

Pthread Hook



Backtrace Component

Getting Started

The JCenter repository will stop service on February 1, 2022. So we uploaded Matrix(since 0.8.0) to the MavenCentral repository.

  1. Configure MATRIX_VERSION in gradle.properties.

  2. Add matrix-gradle-plugin in your build.gradle:

    dependencies {
      classpath ("com.tencent.matrix:matrix-gradle-plugin:${MATRIX_VERSION}") { changing = true }
3. Add dependencies to your app/build.gradle.

``` gradle
  dependencies {
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-lib", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-commons", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-trace-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-android", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-common", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-io-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-sqlite-lint-android-sdk", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-battery-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-hooks", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-backtrace", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true

  apply plugin: 'com.tencent.matrix-plugin'
  matrix {
    trace {
        enable = true   //if you don't want to use trace canary, set false
        baseMethodMapFile = "${project.buildDir}/matrix_output/Debug.methodmap"
        blackListFile = "${project.projectDir}/matrixTrace/blackMethodList.txt"
  1. Implement PluginListener to receive data processed by Matrix.
  public class TestPluginListener extends DefaultPluginListener {
    public static final String TAG = "Matrix.TestPluginListener";
    public TestPluginListener(Context context) {


    public void onReportIssue(Issue issue) {
        MatrixLog.e(TAG, issue.toString());

        //add your code to process data

Matrix gradle plugin could work with Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.0/4.0.0/4.1.0 currently.

  1. Implement DynamicConfig to change parameters of Matrix.

    public class DynamicConfigImplDemo implements IDynamicConfig {
    public DynamicConfigImplDemo() {}
    public boolean isFPSEnable() { return true;}
    public boolean isTraceEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isMatrixEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isDumpHprof() {  return false;}
    public String get(String key, String defStr) {
        //hook to change default values
    public int get(String key, int defInt) {
      //hook to change default values
    public long get(String key, long defLong) {
        //hook to change default values
    public boolean get(String key, boolean defBool) {
        //hook to change default values
    public float get(String key, float defFloat) {
        //hook to change default values
  2. Init Matrix in the onCreate of your application.

  Matrix.Builder builder = new Matrix.Builder(application); // build matrix
  builder.patchListener(new TestPluginListener(this)); // add general pluginListener
  DynamicConfigImplDemo dynamicConfig = new DynamicConfigImplDemo(); // dynamic config

  // init plugin 
  IOCanaryPlugin ioCanaryPlugin = new IOCanaryPlugin(new IOConfig.Builder()
  //add to matrix               

  //init matrix

  // start plugin 

For more Matrix configurations, look at the sample.


  1. Since Matrix for Android has migrated to AndroidX since v0.9.0. You may need to add 'android.useAndroidX=true' flag to gradle.properties
  2. You can get more about Matrix output at the wiki The output of Matrix;

Battery Canary Usage

Init BatteryCanary as the following codes:

BatteryMonitorConfig config = new BatteryMonitorConfig.Builder()
        .greyJiffiesTime(30 * 1000L)
        .setCallback(new BatteryMonitorCallback.BatteryPrinter())

BatteryMonitorPlugin plugin = new BatteryMonitorPlugin(config);

For detail usage, please reference showcase tests at com.tencent.matrix.batterycanary.ApisTest or sample.tencent.matrix.battery.BatteryCanaryInitHelper.

Backtrace Component Usage

How to init backtrace component:


Then other components in Matrix could use Quikcen Backtrace to unwind stacktrace. See more configuration comments in 'WeChatBacktrace.Configuration'.

APK Checker Usage

APK Checker can run independently in Jar (matrix-apk-canary-2.1.0.jar) mode, usage:

java -jar matrix-apk-canary-2.1.0.jar
    --config CONFIG-FILE-PATH
    [--input INPUT-DIR-PATH] [--apk APK-FILE-PATH] [--unzip APK-UNZIP-PATH] [--mappingTxt MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--resMappingTxt RESGUARD-MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--output OUTPUT-PATH] [--format OUTPUT-FORMAT] [--formatJar OUTPUT-FORMAT-JAR] [--formatConfig OUTPUT-FORMAT-CONFIG (json-array format)] [Options]

     Read package info from the AndroidManifest.xml.
-fileSize [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)] [--order ORDER-BY ('asc'|'desc')] [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show files whose size exceed limit size in order.
-countMethod [--group GROUP-BY ('class'|'package')]
     Count methods in dex file, output results group by class name or package name.
     Check if the resguard was applied.
-findNonAlphaPng [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)]
     Find out the non-alpha png-format files whose size exceed limit size in desc order.
     Check if there are more than one library dir in the 'lib'.
-uncompressedFile [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show uncompressed file types.
     Count the R class.
     Find out the duplicated resource files in desc order.
-checkMultiSTL  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Check if there are more than one shared library statically linked the STL.
-unusedResources --rTxt R-TXT-FILE-PATH [--ignoreResources IGNORE-RESOURCES-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused resources.
-unusedAssets [--ignoreAssets IGNORE-ASSETS-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused assets file.
-unstrippedSo  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Find out the unstripped shared library file.

Learn more about Matrix-APKChecker


Any problem?

  1. Learn more from Sample
  2. Source Code
  3. Wiki & FAQ
  4. Contact us for help


If you are interested in contributing, check out the CONTRIBUTING.md, also join our Tencent OpenSource Plan.


Matrix is under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details


Matrix-icon licensePRs Welcome WeChat Approved

Matrix 是一款微信研发并日常使用的应用性能接入框架,支持iOS, macOS和Android。 Matrix 通过接入各种性能监控方案,对性能监控项的异常数据进行采集和分析,输出相应的问题分析、定位与优化建议,从而帮助开发者开发出更高质量的应用。

Matrix for iOS/macOS

Matrix-iOS 当前工具监控范围包括:崩溃、卡顿和内存,包含以下三款插件:









#import <Matrix/Matrix.h>

Matrix *matrix = [Matrix sharedInstance];
MatrixBuilder *curBuilder = [[MatrixBuilder alloc] init];
curBuilder.pluginListener = self; // pluginListener 回调 plugin 的相关事件

WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin *crashBlockPlugin = [[WCCrashBlockMonitorPlugin alloc] init];    
[curBuilder addPlugin:crashBlockPlugin]; // 添加卡顿和崩溃监控

WCMemoryStatPlugin *memoryStatPlugin = [[WCMemoryStatPlugin alloc] init];
[curBuilder addPlugin:memoryStatPlugin]; // 添加内存监控功能

WCFPSMonitorPlugin *fpsMonitorPlugin = [[WCFPSMonitorPlugin alloc] init];
[curBuilder addPlugin:fpsMonitorPlugin]; // 添加 fps 监控功能

[matrix addMatrixBuilder:curBuilder];

[crashBlockPlugin start]; // 开启卡顿和崩溃监控
[memoryStatPlugin start]; // 开启内存监控
[fpsMonitorPlugin start]; // 开启 fps 监控


设置 MatrixBuilder 对象中的 pluginListener,实现 MatrixPluginListenerDelegate。

// 设置 delegate

MatrixBuilder *curBuilder = [[MatrixBuilder alloc] init];
curBuilder.pluginListener = <一个遵循 MatrixPluginListenerDelegate 的对象>; 

// MatrixPluginListenerDelegate

- (void)onInit:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onStart:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onStop:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onDestroy:(id<MatrixPluginProtocol>)plugin;
- (void)onReportIssue:(MatrixIssue *)issue;

各个添加到 MatrixBuilder 的 plugin 会将对应的事件通过 pluginListener 回调。

重要:通过 onReportIssue: 获得 Matrix 处理后的数据,监控数据格式详见:Matrix for iOS/macOS 数据格式说明


至此,Matrix 已经集成到应用中并且开始收集崩溃、卡顿和爆内存数据,如仍有疑问,请查看示例:samples/sample-iOS/MatrixDemo

Matrix for Android

Matrix-android 当前监控范围包括:应用安装包大小,帧率变化,启动耗时,卡顿,慢方法,SQLite 操作优化,文件读写,内存泄漏等等。


与常规的 APM 工具相比,Matrix 拥有以下特点:

APK Checker

Resource Canary

Trace Canary

SQLite Lint

IO Canary

Battery Canary

Memory Hook

Pthread Hook



Backtrace Component


由于 JCenter 服务将于 2022 年 2 月 1 日下线,我们已将 Matrix 新版本(>= 0.8.0) maven repo 发布至 MavenCentral。

  1. 在你项目根目录下的 gradle.properties 中配置要依赖的 Matrix 版本号,如:

  2. 在你项目根目录下的 build.gradle 文件添加 Matrix 依赖,如:

    dependencies {
      classpath ("com.tencent.matrix:matrix-gradle-plugin:${MATRIX_VERSION}") { changing = true }
  3. 接着,在 app/build.gradle 文件中添加 Matrix 各模块的依赖,如:

    dependencies {
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-lib", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-android-commons", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-trace-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-android", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-resource-canary-common", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-io-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-sqlite-lint-android-sdk", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-battery-canary", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    implementation group: "com.tencent.matrix", name: "matrix-hooks", version: MATRIX_VERSION, changing: true
    apply plugin: 'com.tencent.matrix-plugin'
    matrix {
    trace {
        enable = true   //if you don't want to use trace canary, set false
        baseMethodMapFile = "${project.buildDir}/matrix_output/Debug.methodmap"
        blackListFile = "${project.projectDir}/matrixTrace/blackMethodList.txt"

目前 Matrix gradle plugin 支持 Android Gradle Plugin 3.5.0/4.0.0/4.1.0。

  1. 实现 PluginListener,接收 Matrix 处理后的数据, 如:

    public class TestPluginListener extends DefaultPluginListener {
    public static final String TAG = "Matrix.TestPluginListener";
    public TestPluginListener(Context context) {
    public void onReportIssue(Issue issue) {
        MatrixLog.e(TAG, issue.toString());
        //add your code to process data
  2. 实现动态配置接口, 可修改 Matrix 内部参数. 在 sample-android 中 我们有个简单的动态接口实例DynamicConfigImplDemo.java, 其中参数对应的 key 位于文件 MatrixEnum中, 摘抄部分示例如下:

    public class DynamicConfigImplDemo implements IDynamicConfig {
    public DynamicConfigImplDemo() {}
    public boolean isFPSEnable() { return true;}
    public boolean isTraceEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isMatrixEnable() { return true; }
    public boolean isDumpHprof() {  return false;}
    public String get(String key, String defStr) {
        //hook to change default values
    public int get(String key, int defInt) {
         //hook to change default values
    public long get(String key, long defLong) {
        //hook to change default values
    public boolean get(String key, boolean defBool) {
        //hook to change default values
    public float get(String key, float defFloat) {
        //hook to change default values
6. 选择程序启动的位置对 Matrix 进行初始化,如在 Application 的继承类中, Init 核心逻辑如下:
``` java 
  Matrix.Builder builder = new Matrix.Builder(application); // build matrix
  builder.pluginListener(new TestPluginListener(this)); // add general pluginListener
  DynamicConfigImplDemo dynamicConfig = new DynamicConfigImplDemo(); // dynamic config

  // init plugin 
  IOCanaryPlugin ioCanaryPlugin = new IOCanaryPlugin(new IOConfig.Builder()
  //add to matrix               

  //init matrix

  // start plugin 

至此,Matrix就已成功集成到你的项目中,并且开始收集和分析性能相关异常数据,如仍有疑问,请查看 示例.


  1. 从 v0.9.0 开始,Matrix for Android 迁移到了 AndroidX. 你可能需要添加 'android.useAndroidX=true' 标志到 gradle.properties 文件里。
  2. Matrix 分析后的输出字段的含义请查看 Matrix 输出内容的含义解析

Battery Canary Usage


BatteryMonitorConfig config = new BatteryMonitorConfig.Builder()
        .greyJiffiesTime(30 * 1000L)
        .setCallback(new BatteryMonitorCallback.BatteryPrinter())

BatteryMonitorPlugin plugin = new BatteryMonitorPlugin(config);

具体使用方式,请参考单元测试里相关用例的代码: com.tencent.matrix.batterycanary.ApisTestsample.tencent.matrix.battery.BatteryCanaryInitHelper.

Backtrace Component Usage

如何初始化 backtrace 组件:


初始化后其他 Matrix 组件就可以使用 Quicken Backtrace 进行回溯。更多参数的配置请查看 WeChatBacktrace.Configuration 的接口注释。

APK Checker

APK Check 以独立的 jar 包提供 (matrix-apk-canary-2.1.0.jar),你可以运行:

java -jar matrix-apk-canary-2.1.0.jar

查看 Usages 来使用它。

    --config CONFIG-FILE-PATH
    [--input INPUT-DIR-PATH] [--apk APK-FILE-PATH] [--unzip APK-UNZIP-PATH] [--mappingTxt MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--resMappingTxt RESGUARD-MAPPING-FILE-PATH] [--output OUTPUT-PATH] [--format OUTPUT-FORMAT] [--formatJar OUTPUT-FORMAT-JAR] [--formatConfig OUTPUT-FORMAT-CONFIG (json-array format)] [Options]

     Read package info from the AndroidManifest.xml.
-fileSize [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)] [--order ORDER-BY ('asc'|'desc')] [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show files whose size exceed limit size in order.
-countMethod [--group GROUP-BY ('class'|'package')]
     Count methods in dex file, output results group by class name or package name.
     Check if the resguard was applied.
-findNonAlphaPng [--min DOWN-LIMIT-SIZE (KB)]
     Find out the non-alpha png-format files whose size exceed limit size in desc order.
     Check if there are more than one library dir in the 'lib'.
-uncompressedFile [--suffix FILTER-SUFFIX-LIST (split by ',')]
     Show uncompressed file types.
     Count the R class.
     Find out the duplicated resource files in desc order.
-checkMultiSTL  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Check if there are more than one shared library statically linked the STL.
-unusedResources --rTxt R-TXT-FILE-PATH [--ignoreResources IGNORE-RESOURCES-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused resources.
-unusedAssets [--ignoreAssets IGNORE-ASSETS-LIST (split by ',')]
     Find out the unused assets file.
-unstrippedSo  --toolnm TOOL-NM-PATH
     Find out the unstripped shared library file.

由于篇幅影响,此次不再赘述,我们在 Matrix-APKChecker 中进行了详细说明。



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  2. 阅读源码
  3. 阅读 WikiFAQ
  4. 联系我们。


关于 Matrix 分支管理、issue 以及 pr 规范,请阅读 Matrix Contributing Guide

腾讯开源激励计划 鼓励开发者的参与和贡献,期待你的加入。


Matrix is under the BSD license. See the LICENSE file for details
