Tendrl / documentation

Project-wide documentation
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// vim: tw=79 = Tendrl Documentation

Welcome to the documentation repository of the Tendrl project!

This repository is intended to host documentation for the entire project. It covers design and architecture notes; developer workflow detail and similar. Notes and documentation specific to the code-base as well as of significance to a developer would be hosted in the same repository as the code

== Navigation

== How to use this repository?

The development workflow document (development-workflow.adoc) applies to any changes to the contents of this repository, as it does to any of the Tendrl project codebases.

Should you want to send a pull request against this repository, please follow these guidelines:

If you've never written asciidoc before, the http://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-syntax-quick-reference/[asciidoctor syntax reference] is the best place to start. Jump into the more detailed http://asciidoctor.org/docs/user-manual/[user manual] as you realize the need for a feature beyond text formatting.