TeomanDeniz / ft_math

The entire <math.h> library from scratch.
MIT License
15 stars 1 forks source link
42 42-school 42projects 42school c math


ft_math.h is a remake library from original <math.h> library.

Includes C23, C11 and C99 functions + their float types, can compilable and work all versions + compilers.



You can double click MAKE.bat file and directly install it.

Or in console, write make to compile the stup.

Linux, macOS:

In console, write make to compile the setup.


Here's the arguments MAKE.bat and Makefile using:

fc, fclean, fclear -> Clear both object and created products.

c, clean, clear -> Clear only object files

re -> Remake everything

Then, in console: you need to include your binary compiler library (.a file) via parameter while compiling your file.

GCC main.c mathft.a

Trigonometric functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_sin ft_sinf double x Returns the sine of x
ft_cos ft_cosf double x Returns the cosine of x
ft_tan ft_tanf double x Returns the tangent of x. [sin(x) / cos(x)]
ft_asin ft_asinf double x Returns the arc sine in radians. (1 ≥ x ≥ -1) [Aka: sin⁻¹(x)]
ft_acos ft_acosf double x Returns the arc cosine in radians. (1 ≥ x ≥ -1) [Aka: cos⁻¹(x)]
ft_atan ft_atanf double x Returns the arc tangent of x
ft_atan2 ft_atan2f double x, double y Calculates the angle in radians for the quadrant
ft_csc ft_cscf double x Returns the cosecant of x
ft_sec ft_secf double x Returns the secant of x
ft_cot ft_cotf double x Returns the cotangent of x
ft_sincos ft_sincosf double x, double * sine, double * cosine Split x to given variables as sine and cosine
ft_sinpi ft_sinpif double x sin(x * M_PI)
ft_cospi ft_cospif double x cos(x * M_PI)
ft_tanpi ft_tanpif double x tan(x * M_PI)

Hyperbolic functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_sinh ft_sinhf double x Computes the hyperbolic sine of x
ft_cosh ft_coshf double x Computes the hyperbolic cosine of x
ft_tanh ft_tanhf double x Computes the hyperbolic tangent of x
ft_asinh ft_asinhf double x Computes the arc hyperbolic sine of x
ft_acosh ft_acoshf double x Computes the arc hyperbolic cosine of x
ft_atanh ft_atanhf double x Computes the arc hyperbolic tangent of x

Exponential and Logarithmic functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_exp ft_expf double x Computes e(2.71828) raised to the power of the given x
ft_exp2 ft_exp2f double x Computes 2 raised to the given power x
ft_exp10 ft_exp10f double x Calculate the exponent of 10 by x
ft_expm1 ft_expm1f double x Computes the Euler's number raised to the given x, (-1.0 x)
ft_frexp ft_frexpf double x, int * exponent Returns value of mantissa, and pointed to by exponent
ft_ilogb ft_ilogbf double x Extracts the value of the unbiased exponent from the x as int
ft_ldexp ft_ldexpf double x, int exponent Returns x multiplied by 2 raised to the power of exponent
ft_log ft_logf double x Calculation of the logarithm of x
ft_log2 ft_log2f double x Calculation of the base-2 logarithm of x
ft_log10 ft_log10f double x Calculation of the logarithm of x to the base of 10
ft_log1p ft_log1pf double x Calculates the logarithm of one plus of x
ft_logb ft_logbf double x Extracts the unbiased radix-independent exponent from the x
ft_scalbln ft_scalblnf double x, long int exponent Returns x multiplied by 2 raised to the power of exponent
ft_scalbn ft_scalbnf double x, int exponent Returns x multiplied by 2 raised to the power of exponent

Power functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_cbrt ft_cbrtf double x Computes the cube root of x
ft_hypot ft_hypotf double p, double b Find hypotenuse of two sides. h = √(p²+b²)
ft_invsqrt ft_invsqrtf double x Fast inverse square root
ft_pow ft_powf double base, double power Calculates the angle in radians for the quadrant
ft_pow10 ft_pow10f double x Calculate the exponent of 10 by x
ft_sqrt ft_sqrtf double x Square root calculation of x

Rounding and Remainder functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_ceil ft_ceilf double x Computes the nearest integer greater than x
ft_copysign ft_copysignf double x, double y Composes a result with magnitude of x and the sign of y
ft_fdim ft_fdimf double x, double y Returns the positive difference between x and y
ft_floor ft_floorf double x Returns the largest integer that is smaller than or equal to x
ft_fmod ft_fmodf double x, double y Gets the modalities of 2 numbers in "float"
ft_lrint ft_lrintf double x Roundoff the floating-point x to a long
ft_lround ft_lroundf double x Computes the nearest integer value to x
ft_nan ft_nanf const char * tag_pointer Just returns NAN (Not A Number)
ft_nearbyint ft_nearbyintf double x Rounds the floating-point x to an integer value
ft_nextafter ft_nextafterf double x, double y Returns the next representable value of from in the direction of to
ft_nexttoward ft_nexttowardf double x, long double y (Same with ft_nextafter)
ft_remainder ft_remainderf double x, double y Computes the IEEE remainder of floating point division operation
ft_remquo ft_remquof double x, double y, int * quotient Computes the floating-point remainder of the division operation
ft_rint ft_rintf double x Roundoff the floating-point x to an integer
ft_round ft_roundf double x Returns the nearest integer value (rounded value) of the given x
ft_trunc ft_truncf double x Truncates the x by removing the fraction

Floating-point Classification functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_fpclassify ft_fpclassifyf double x Categorizes floating point value x into the following categories
ft_isfinite double x Check if number is not infinity
ft_isinf double x Check if float number is inf number (Will also return -1 if "-inf")
ft_isnan double x Check if float number is non number
ft_isnormal double x Check if number is normal to in use
ft_signbit double x Checking if the float number is minus or not
ft_significand ft_significandf double x Retrieves the fractional part of a double-precision floating-point number

Bessel functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_j0 ft_j0f double x Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order zero (j0)
ft_j1 ft_j1f double x Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order one (j1)
ft_jn ft_jnf int n, double x Compute the Bessel function of the first kind of order n (jn)
ft_y0 ft_y0f double x Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order zero (y0)
ft_y1 ft_y1f double x Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order one (y1)
ft_yn ft_ynf int n, double x Compute the Bessel function of the second kind of order n (yn)

Other functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_erf ft_erff double x Computes the error function of the given x
ft_erfc ft_erfcf double x Computes the complementary error of x
ft_fibonacci unsigned long long number Every number in the sequence is the sum of two numbers preceding it in the sequence
ft_fma ft_fmaf double x, double y, double z (x * y + z)
ft_fabs ft_fabsf double x Get the absolute value of a x
ft_fmax ft_fmaxf double x If (x > y) return x, else return y
ft_fmin ft_fminf double x If (x < y) return x, else return y
ft_lerp ft_lerpf double x, double y, double f Linear interpolation.
ft_lgamma ft_lgammaf double x Computes the logarithm of the absolute x of the gamma function
ft_modf ft_modff double x, double * integer Splits fraction an integer in float number (Returns fraction)
ft_tgamma ft_tgammaf double x Compute the gamma function of x

Neural Network functions:

Function Name Function Parameter(s) Description
ft_elu ft_eluf double x, double aplha "Exponential Linear Unit" Determines the slope for negative input
ft_leakyrelu ft_leakyreluf double x, double aplha ReLU, But has a small slope for negative values instead of a flat slope
ft_mish ft_mishf double x Hyperbolic tangent function, and softplus is the smooth approximation
ft_prelu ft_preluf double x, double aplha ReLU, But has a small slope for negative values instead of a flat slope
ft_relu ft_reluf double x "The Rectified Linear Unit" Returns 0 if x is negative
ft_sigmoid ft_sigmoidf double x Performs the role of an activation function in machine learning
ft_softmax ft_softmaxf double * x, int size Normalizes the input array x by exponentiating each element
ft_softmedian ft_softmedianf double * x, int size, double alpha Defined as the weighted average of the elements in a vector x
ft_softmin ft_softminf double * x, int size, double alpha Aka: softmax(-x)
ft_swish ft_swishf double x Allows for a more flexible range of x


Define Name Value
M_E M_E_F 2.71828182845904523536 (Aka: Euler's number)
M_LOG2E M_LOG2E_F 1.44269504088896340736 (Aka: log2(e))
M_LOG10E M_LOG10E_F 0.43429448190325182765 (Aka: log10(e))
M_LN2 M_LN2_F 0.69314718055994528623 (Aka: ln(2))
M_LN10 M_LN10_F 2.30258509299404568402 (Aka: ln(10))
M_PIX2 M_PIX2_F 6.28318530717958647692 (Aka: M_PI * 2)
M_PIX2_3 M_PIX2_3_F 4.71238898038400589261 (Aka: M_PI * 2 / 3)
M_PI M_PI_F 3.14159265358979323846 (π)
M_PI_2 M_PI_2_F 1.57079632679489661923 (Aka: M_PI / 2)
M_PI_4 M_PI_4_F 0.78539816339744830961 (Aka: M_PI / 4)
M_1_PI M_1_PI_F 0.31830988618379067153 (Aka: 1 / M_PI)
M_2_PI M_2_PI_F 0.63661977236758134307 (Aka: 2 / M_PI)
M_SQRT2 M_SQRT2_F 1.41421356237309504880 (Aka: sqrt(2))
M_SQRT1_2 M_SQRT1_2_F 0.70710678118654752440 (Aka: 1 / sqrt(2))
M_SQRTPI M_SQRTPI_F 1.77245385090551588191 (Aka: sqrt(PI))
M_2_SQRTPI M_2_SQRTPI_F 1.12837916709551257390 (Aka: 2 / sqrt(pi))
M_INVSQRTPI M_INVSQRTPI_F 0.56418958354775627928 (Aka: invsqrt(pi))
M_TPI M_TPI_F 0.63661977236758138243 (Aka: 2 / PI)

Trigonometric Constants:

Define Name Value
M_1DEG M_1DEG_F 0.0174532925199
M_45DEG M_45DEG_F π / 4
M_90DEG M_90DEG_F π / 2
M_180DEG M_180DEG_F π
M_270DEG M_270DEG_F π * 2 / 3
M_360DEG M_360DEG_F π * 2


Define Name Value
FLT_MAX 3.40282347E+38F
FLT_MIN 1.17549435E-38F
FLT_EPSILON 1.19209290E-7F
DBL_MAX 1.7976931348623158E+308
DBL_MIN 2.2250738585072014E-308
DBL_EPSILON 2.2204460492503131E-16
LDBL_MAX 1.18973149535723176502E+4932L
LDBL_MIN 3.36210314311209350626E-4932L
LDBL_EPSILON 1.08420217248550443401E-19L

Environments for ft_fpclassify function:

Define Name Value

A Few Example(s):

#include    <stdio.h> /*
 * int printf(char *str, ...);

#include    <math.h>

#include    "ft_math.h"

    double x = 42;
    double y = 5;

    printf("Trigonometric functions:\n");
    printf("[   sin(%d) = %f]\n", x, sin(x));
    printf("[ft_sin(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_sin(x));
    printf("[   cos(%d) = %f]\n", x, cos(x));
    printf("[ft_cos(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_cos(x));
    printf("[   tan(%d) = %f]\n", x, tan(x));
    printf("[ft_tan(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_tan(x));
    printf("[   asin(%d) = %f]\n", x, asin(x));
    printf("[ft_asin(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_asin(x));
    printf("[   acos(%d) = %f]\n", x, acos(x));
    printf("[ft_acos(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_acos(x));
    printf("[   atan(%d) = %f]\n", x, atan(x));
    printf("[ft_atan(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_atan(x));
    printf("[   atan2(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, atan2(x, y));
    printf("[ft_atan2(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, ft_atan2(x, y));

    printf("[   log(%d) = %f]\n", x, log(x));
    printf("[ft_log(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_log(x));
    printf("[   log1p(%d) = %f]\n", x, log1p(x));
    printf("[ft_log1p(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_log1p(x));
    printf("[   log10(%d) = %f]\n", x, log10(x));
    printf("[ft_log10(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_log10(x));

    printf("Power functions:\n");
    printf("[   pow(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, pow(x, y));
    printf("[ft_pow(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, ft_pow(x, y));
    printf("[   sqrt(%d) = %f]\n", x, sqrt(x));
    printf("[ft_sqrt(%d) = %f]\n", x, ft_sqrt(x));

    double nan = (0.0 / 0.0);
    double inf = (1.0 / 0.0);

    printf("[   isnan = %f]\n", isnan(nan));
    printf("[ft_isnan = %f]\n", ft_isnan(nan));
    printf("[   isnan = %f]\n", isnan(-nan));
    printf("[ft_isnan = %f]\n", ft_isnan(-nan));
    printf("[   ininf = %f]\n", isinf(inf));
    printf("[ft_isinf = %f]\n", ft_isinf(inf));
    printf("[   ininf = %f]\n", isinf(-inf));
    printf("[ft_ininf = %f]\n", ft_isinf(-inf));

    printf("Other functions:\n");
    double pi = 3.1415;
    double temp = 0;
    printf("[   fabs(%d) = %f]\n", -x, fabs(-x));
    printf("[ft_fabs(%d) = %f]\n", -x, ft_fabs(-x));
    printf("[   fmod(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, fmod(x, y));
    printf("[ft_fmod(%d, %d) = %f]\n", x, y, ft_fmod(x, y));
    printf("[        modf = %f] {modf(pi, &temp)}\n", modf(pi, &temp));
    printf("[   modf temp = %f] {temp}\n", temp);
    printf("[     ft_modf = %f] {ft_modf(pi, &temp)}\n", ft_modf(pi, &temp));
    printf("[ft_modf temp = %f] {temp}\n", temp);

    return (0);