TerminusEst13 / cyberrunner

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See how DM/LMS can be made easier. #5

Open TerminusEst13 opened 11 years ago

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

So, testing with /vr/ shows that LMS is far easier to manage for Cyberrunner than DM, but both of them still have a huge problem--that being that when the numbers dwindle down to two or three people, Last Man Standing is less fighting and more Find Any Man Standing.

There's been a few suggestions on how to deal with this:

1: Implement a radar system. While this would obviously be a large pain in the ass code-wise, the potential is interesting--it'd also be great to hint as to items or possible shortcuts. 2: Lengthy, colored trails behind the chars, much like the FancyTrails inventory item currently does--except instead of afterimages you just see streams of color. Very Tron-like, but also could lag terribly. 3: Some sort of that regularly goes off, indicating where people are. This is very vague.

IjonTichy commented 11 years ago

I can do radar. The question would be whether it'd be a HUD element or an X or whatnot drawn on the players on a regular interval. But trails are cool.

wat do

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

A primitive version of the radar is in. It's quite glitchy (preliminary testing shows it can't into respawning), but it works for now. All that's left are the trails.

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

Radar is no longer terribly glitchy.

TerminusEst13 commented 11 years ago

New plan: Give the tracers for the Shotgun and Carbine a little extra explode to them, but only for DM mode. This should make the easier to hit with. The Vulcan seems okay-ish as it is, since being a spam weapon it's already easy to hit people with it.