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leaving state in fsm if begin end not used in verilog #277

Open cbiker opened 2 years ago

cbiker commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug if code of case not use begin end in verilog state machine viewer can lost condition and transition to this state

To Reproduce module pattern_generator_stm ( bla bla ); begin // if module not used begin end fsm is not recognized
enum logic[3:0] {bla} state; //! fsm_extract always @(posedge clk ) begin // if always not used begin end fsm is not recognized
case (state) half_wave_2: if (controls_reg.pwm_factor == 0) //begin //if not used leaving state in fsm if (wave_cnt == controls_reg.frequency_div-1) if (perod_num_cnt == controls_reg.period_num) state = count; else state = dead_time_2; else state = dead_time_2; //end //if not used leaving state in fsm else if (wave_cnt == controls_reg.frequency_div-controls_reg.pwm_factor-2) state = ddr_edge_2; else state = half_wave_2; // ddr_edge_2: state = dead_time_2; dead_time_2: if (wave_cnt == controls_reg.frequency_div-1) if (perod_num_cnt == controls_reg.period_num) state = half_wave_2; else state = half_wave_2; else state = dead_time_2; count: state = half_wave_2; default: state = half_wave_2; endcase end // excess end is verilog error, but witout fsm is not recognized
end // if always not used begin end fsm is not recognized
end // if module not used begin end fsm is not recognized

endmodule Code Code to reproduce the error.

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qarlosalberto commented 2 years ago

I'm not Verilog user, but I think that it isn't possible to have a "case" with multiple statement and no "begin"-"end"

cbiker commented 2 years ago

IEEE Std 1364-2005 9.5 Case statement https://www.eg.bucknell.edu/~csci320/2016-fall/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/verilog-std-1364-2005.pdf reg [15:0] rega; reg [9:0] result; case (rega) 16'd0: result = 10'b0111111111; 16'd1: result = 10'b1011111111; 16'd2: result = 10'b1101111111; 16'd3: result = 10'b1110111111; 16'd4: result = 10'b1111011111; 16'd5: result = 10'b1111101111; 16'd6: result = 10'b1111110111; 16'd7: result = 10'b1111111011; 16'd8: result = 10'b1111111101; 16'd9: result = 10'b1111111110; default result = 'bx; endcase