Open CSerht opened 2 years ago
@qarlosalberto Dear expert, The same warning also show when the linter is enabled The linter configuration is shown as below
Besides, if use include
all the other style checker or linter messages will not display for below RTL anymore.
I use one workaround for this issue. Take the reference from : 1. 2.
I add -i and -y arguments in configurations ---- linter settings ----- Linter settings: icarus linter --- Arguments
-I C:\01_Modelsim\inc -I C:\ipcore_dir
@beanspower can you provide a complete example with code?
@qarlosalberto Hello expert, I try to provide one example code for it. Thanks for your kind help
The same thing happens with VHDL, when the vhd file for which we request the schematic uses a package, the yosys command only requests the vhd to be elaborated, not the package, therefore it fails as usually there are some definitions in the package needed in the main vhd. It would need to detect which are the files that contain the needed packages, and add those files to the yosys command
Here I have two files:
I'm sure that this file have no bugs.
The include file is: mycpu.h
OS: Windows 10 Schematic viewer: YoWASP
When I run the viewer,it will promt me ERROR: Can't open include file `mycpu.h'!.
I have add two files in my TerosHDL project,and I test use full path, it failed too.
What happend?Does the TerosHDL not support include command?