Describe the bug
The following error(s) are reported for the snippet below: Type cannot be used as an expressionvhdl ls
It seems to be the LS can't handle consecutively following attributes.
entity tb
generic (
runner_cfg: string := runner_cfg_default;
tb_path: string
end entity;
architecture behavioural of tb is
data_generator: process
variable data_index: natural range 0 to 9 := 9;
procedure report_index is
variable data_index_1: natural range 0 to data_index'subtype'high;
variable data_index_0: natural range 0 to data_index'subtype'high;
data_index_1 := data_index;
data_index_0 := data_index - 1;
report "data_index_1: " & to_string(data_index_1) severity note;
report "data_index_0: " & to_string(data_index_0) severity note;
end procedure;
for i in 0 to data_index'subtype'high loop
if data_index > data_index'subtype'low then
data_index := data_index - 1;
data_index := data_index'subtype'high;
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
Add. info:
The code works with QuestaSim 2022.4:
OS: Windows 11
VSCode version: 1.80.1
TerosHDL Version: v5.0.6
Additional context
Is there a way how to mute the error for the mean time?
I reported this also in VHDL-LS repo - - as well but it seems to be a bug related to this repo.
Describe the bug The following error(s) are reported for the snippet below: Type cannot be used as an expression
vhdl ls
It seems to be the LS can't handle consecutively following attributes.Code
Add. info:
Additional context Is there a way how to mute the error for the mean time? I reported this also in VHDL-LS repo - - as well but it seems to be a bug related to this repo.