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"PORT" in the beginning of a VHDL generic name messes up the formatting with Standalone formatter #602

Open am9417 opened 2 months ago

am9417 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug If there's a generic that has a string "PORT" in the identifier (e.g. "PORT_COUNT"), running the VHDL formatter with Standalone formatter breaks the file

To Reproduce Format the following minimal VHDL entity in editor:

entity my_ent is
  generic (PORT_COUNT : natural);
  port(port_ena : bit_vector(PORT_COUNT-1 downto 0));
end entity;

Right click on file and click "Format document" or SHIFT + ALT + F

Expected to have nice formatting, but seems like the port inside a generic name (which should be completely fine!) breaks the formatting and gives a following "formatted" document as output, breaking the VHDL syntax completely.

entity my_ent is
    _COUNT : natural);
    port_ena : bit_vector(port
    _COUNT - 1 downto 0));
end entity;

Seems like the problem is if the generic starts with "PORT". E.g. "COUNT_PORT" does not trigger this error

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