TerosTechnology / vscode-terosHDL

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VHDL code completion improvement (?) #607

Open ungultig1 opened 2 months ago

ungultig1 commented 2 months ago

Hi there,

One of your best features is the support for vhdl code completion.

However, it could be improved in terms of suggestions that pop up while coding.

I.e.: Signals defined within a record structure could only be suggested when the record is used, as at the moment every declaration pops up:


At the moment, TerosHDL is able to distinguish between the declared signals and to whom they belong, as seen for the "u_count (record)" signal.

But, could be even improved to suggest only the mentioned record signal when typing "myRec." record.

Thank you.

PS: Here is the complete code:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity examp is 
        i_sl_cnt                  : in std_logic;
        i_sl_reset                  : in std_logic 
end entity examp;

architecture behaviour of examp is   
    type t_myRec is record
        u_count                                 : unsigned(5 downto 0);
    end record;

    signal myRec:   t_myRec;

    process(all) begin

        if i_sl_reset then
            myRec.u_count   <= 6d"0";
        end if;

        if i_sl_cnt then
            myRec.u_count   <= myRec.u_count+1;
        end if;


    end process;

end architecture;
nema69 commented 2 weeks ago

To add to this: When I want to declare a std_logic signal I only get autocomplete suggestions for std_logicvectors and if I type until "std" then it suggest to inlude the ieee library. Screenshot_20240613_111739 Screenshot_20240613_111813