TerrorCards / appCode

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Expected Delivery

  1. Expo Ejected Application
  2. In App Purchase implemented using this either https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-iap (already in the code) or https://docs.expo.io/versions/latest/sdk/in-app-purchases/
    1. list of items will come from server database (items already existing in apple and google app stores). In App Purchase screen file already has the items from a server side response.
    2. validation of purchases server side, php (if using IAP from first link)
  3. Instructions on how to build ejected application in Xcode and Android Developer Studio
  4. Instructions on how to run ejected application in React Native for further development and debugging.
  5. Instructions on how to extend the ejected application with additional react native modules for future enhancements.

Directions to get to In App Purchase

  1. Run code
  2. Create a new account
  3. On the bottom menu, tap on the store (shopping cart)
  4. There is a button on top to purchase credit.
  5. (look at jpg in this branch to see what the in app purchase should look like)

Current Environment

  1. Xcode Version 9.2 (9C40b)
  2. Android Studio 3.3.2 (feb 2019)